Health & Medical Hemorrhoids

Hemorrhoid Remedy - Using Herbs to Treat Hemorrhoids

Applying herbs to hemorrhoids to relieve the pain and discomfort of the condition is a hemorrhoid remedy that requires no surgical intervention and causes no side effects.
Your hemorrhoid problem may not be severe requiring surgical intervention, but it can still be uncomfortable if left untreated.
Although there are many chemical based topical creams and suppositories available at pharmacies, they need to be used under the supervision of a physician because of possible side effects and allergies.
Herbs used to treat hemorrhoids.
The most popular herbal hemorrhoid remedy is witch hazel.
Witch hazel has properties by which the blood vessels causing the hemorrhoid shrink and contract.
Putting a cotton wool ball soaked in witch hazel on ice and applying it on the affected area will give instant and long lasting relief.
Horse chestnut is another herb that is used for hemorrhoid relief.
Aloe Vera Extracts of herbs like aloe vera, rue, lupin, butcher's broom and bayberry are widely used as hemorrhoid pain relievers.
The Japanese pagoda tree extract is well known as a hemorrhoid remedy.
Yarrow tea is also applied to hemorrhoids for relief from the symptoms.
The healing effects of herbs on hemorrhoids.
Using herbs as a hemorrhoid remedy cures slowly naturally and surely.
Herbs are known to relieve pain, stop itching, prevent bleeding, swelling and burning.
Herbs aid the circulation of blood and can be applied externally and taken internally for this purpose.
Herbal treatments for hemorrhoids have no known side effects and seldom cause an allergic reaction which could add to the woes of the hemorrhoid sufferer.
A gentle way of getting rid of hemorrhoids is by applying the hemorrhoid remedy of herbal extracts because they soothe the hemorrhoid away the natural way.

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