Business & Finance Personal Finance

How to Set Up a Monthly Bill Paying Spread Sheet

    • 1). Open up a blank Excel spreadsheet, or similar program, and save it under My Monthly Billing.

    • 2). Title column A on line one "bills." Title column B on line one "balance." Title column C on line one "amount." Title column D on line one "due." Insert information about each bill in rows below each column.

    • 3). Write the name of each bill you have in rows in column A. Examples include mortgage, phone bill, electric and water. Make sure to write down all of your bills. Under column B, write the amount you must pay until it is paid off. If it is not a bill you pay off in full, write N/A. Under column C write the minimum amount you must pay each month for each bill, and under column D write the date each payment is due.

    • 4). Fill in the remaining columns (E, F, G, H, etc.) with the name of each month. It is best to do this for six months or a whole year.

    • 5). Fill in the lines under the month columns, starting with E, each time you pay a bill with the amount you paid. This will help you keep track of the bills you have paid, the ones you haven't, how much is left until you pay each bill off and how much you spent for the current month.

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