Business & Finance Personal Finance

How to Help Organize My Monthly Bills

    • 1). Place a basket in the place where you are most likely to plop down mail when you walk in the house, such as on the kitchen counter or on a small table by the door. Place a book of stamps and some pens in the basket and keep your checkbook there when you are not using it.

    • 2). Check your mail each day. Open your bills and glance at the amount and due date to keep the information fresh in your mind. Place the current bills in the basket daily so that you always know where to find them.

    • 3). Check with your bank and the companies for your different bills to find out about online bill payment options. Use online pay services for as many of your bills as possible to avoid the chances of late fees or missed payments that can occur when you send a check by mail.

    • 4). Make a list of all of your monthly bills. Look over old copies of the bills to find out the normal due date for each account and list it next to the bill.

    • 5). Designate a calendar to be used solely for keeping your bills organized. Mark down the bills due on each day of the current month. Repeat this for process for the remaining months in the year. Label your paydays on the calendar if you are not paid weekly.

    • 6). Choose a time each pay period that can be set aside to pay your bills, preferably the night before each payday. If you do not know ahead of time the amount that your paycheck will be, make the night of payday your bill paying time.

    • 7). Take out your basket of bills and reference your calendar to pay the accounts that will be due before your next payday. Make online payments and write out checks for the accounts that cannot be paid online. Remove the bills that you pay from the basket and file them in a location of your choice.

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