Home & Garden Personal Safety & Security

Do It Yourself Solar Panels

    • 1). Create the container to hold the cells. Use a plywood back and 3/4-inch wooden blocks for the sides. Screw the pieces together and paint the box. The inside of the box will need a thin platform for the cells to be glued to, called a substrate. Fiberboard will work just fine.

    • 2). Drill a hole in the bottom of the box for the electrical wires to come out.

    • 3). Solder the electrical tabs of the solar cells together using a soldering iron in a connected series. If you purchased cells that weren't already tabbed, you will have to solder electrical wire tabs onto the cells before you can connect them.

    • 4). Apply a small dab of silicon caulk in the center of the back side of each cell and attach it to the fiberboard substrate.

    • 5). Glue the substrate to the wooden container and pull the electric wires out of the hole in the bottom. Fill the hole surrounding the wires with caulk to keep moisture out.

    • 6). Screw on the plexiglass cover. Solder whatever electrical connector you wish to add to your panel to the wires coming from the panel.

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