Help Dementia By Meditating With Brainwave Entrainment
It's no secret that meditation has many benefits and it's not a new kid on the block.
For hundreds of years, if not thousands, meditation has been practiced daily, in just about every culture of the world, to achieve a no mind state of consciousness, where the brain releases chemicals to enhance health physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually.
Meditation is a process that enables a person to communicate between you and your mind and your mind and your body.
If meditation can reverse damages done to the mind and brain, and stimulate areas of the brain that are not being used, it stands to reason that meditation can help with the symptoms of dementia.
A new study from the University of Pennsylvania, has confirmed that daily meditation can improve cognitive function.
Cognitive function, is an intellectual process by which one becomes aware of, perceives, or comprehends ideas.
This involves aspects of perception, thinking, reasoning, and remembering...
all functions that are impaired in dementia patients.
In this study, subjects were taught how to meditate using Kundalini Yoga and were told to meditate 12 minutes a day for a period of eight weeks.
Kundalini yoga meditation involves the chanting of sounds, or words, in a repeating rhythm, to redirect the flow of thoughts, altering the brain's normal patterns, neural chemistry, and emotional balance.
After the eight weeks, SPECT scans showed a significant increase in blood flow to the area of the brain that deteriorates in people with Alzheimer's disease-the area associated with learning and memory.
"If this kind of meditation is helping patients with memory loss, we are encouraged by the prospects that daily practice may even prevent neurodegenative diseases such as Alzheimer's.
" Andrew Newberg, M.
Meditation, any kind of meditation, is not a skill that is easily acquired, and is especially difficult in people who have damaged areas in their brain.
Brainwave entrainment is a powerful, fast and efficient form of technology, that uses audio and/or visual pulses, to engage the brain into a specific pattern.
Using specially designed recordings, while attempting a meditative state, can hasten the effect.
Entrainment stimulates the brain to alter its dominant brainwave frequency to a precise brainwave that improves cognitive function.
Practicing Kundalini meditation, with a brainwave entrainment recording, will carve new neural pathways in the brain, those of which can be seen physically, on a brain scan.
New neural networks form in the gray matter, waking up areas of the brain that are not being used to the best of their ability and enhances the damaged areas.
Memories, made through the course of the day, have a new place to be stored, by-passing the damaged areas that used to store memories.
It's very exciting to think that dementia symptoms can be diminished or maybe even eliminated, just by changing the way the brain stores memories.
Brainwave entrainment is a technology that can speed up the ability to achieve a meditative state, which in turn speeds up the receiving of cognitive benefits.
For hundreds of years, if not thousands, meditation has been practiced daily, in just about every culture of the world, to achieve a no mind state of consciousness, where the brain releases chemicals to enhance health physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually.
Meditation is a process that enables a person to communicate between you and your mind and your mind and your body.
If meditation can reverse damages done to the mind and brain, and stimulate areas of the brain that are not being used, it stands to reason that meditation can help with the symptoms of dementia.
A new study from the University of Pennsylvania, has confirmed that daily meditation can improve cognitive function.
Cognitive function, is an intellectual process by which one becomes aware of, perceives, or comprehends ideas.
This involves aspects of perception, thinking, reasoning, and remembering...
all functions that are impaired in dementia patients.
In this study, subjects were taught how to meditate using Kundalini Yoga and were told to meditate 12 minutes a day for a period of eight weeks.
Kundalini yoga meditation involves the chanting of sounds, or words, in a repeating rhythm, to redirect the flow of thoughts, altering the brain's normal patterns, neural chemistry, and emotional balance.
After the eight weeks, SPECT scans showed a significant increase in blood flow to the area of the brain that deteriorates in people with Alzheimer's disease-the area associated with learning and memory.
"If this kind of meditation is helping patients with memory loss, we are encouraged by the prospects that daily practice may even prevent neurodegenative diseases such as Alzheimer's.
" Andrew Newberg, M.
Meditation, any kind of meditation, is not a skill that is easily acquired, and is especially difficult in people who have damaged areas in their brain.
Brainwave entrainment is a powerful, fast and efficient form of technology, that uses audio and/or visual pulses, to engage the brain into a specific pattern.
Using specially designed recordings, while attempting a meditative state, can hasten the effect.
Entrainment stimulates the brain to alter its dominant brainwave frequency to a precise brainwave that improves cognitive function.
Practicing Kundalini meditation, with a brainwave entrainment recording, will carve new neural pathways in the brain, those of which can be seen physically, on a brain scan.
New neural networks form in the gray matter, waking up areas of the brain that are not being used to the best of their ability and enhances the damaged areas.
Memories, made through the course of the day, have a new place to be stored, by-passing the damaged areas that used to store memories.
It's very exciting to think that dementia symptoms can be diminished or maybe even eliminated, just by changing the way the brain stores memories.
Brainwave entrainment is a technology that can speed up the ability to achieve a meditative state, which in turn speeds up the receiving of cognitive benefits.