Society & Culture & Entertainment Cultures & Groups

How do I Plan a Substance Abuse Event Conference?

    • 1). List topics and goals for your substance abuse conference. Topics of interest to mental health and substance-abuse professionals are addiction prevention; treatment options; recovery; cultural competencies; the use of seclusion and restraint; working with peer specialists; and psycho-pharmacology treatment. Goals include: increase knowledge and skills in the areas of peer-support programs, integrated-treatment approaches and psycho-pharmacology based restraints.

    • 2). Identify reputable professionals in the substance-abuse field. Find them through referrals, checking other conference agendas and speaking with local substance-abuse agencies. Being sure there are no other substance-abuse conferences at the same time, choose a date, location and time for the substance-abuse conference. Begin planning at least a year in advance especially if well-known speakers are planned as part of the agenda. Avoid holidays and summer months when many people on on vacation.

    • 3). Visit prospective conference venues. The venue must have adequate parking and proximity to a hotel for out-of-town attendees. Keep in mind that the least-expensive venue may not always be the best choice as more costly venues may "throw in" added amenities such as water in the conference room. Hotels are a good choice for conferences. Call treatment facilities to see if they have conference rooms or auditoriums and would be willing to host your conference.

    • 4). Negotiate with local hotels for a "bank" or section of rooms at a discounted rate for the conference attendees, speakers and staff. If the conference is held at a hotel, the hotel may provide a free room for the conference organizer or key speaker. Look for hotels that serve a complimentary breakfast, has catering capabilities on the premises and is clean and safe. Discuss the menu for the event and other meal necessities with the catering staff.

    • 5). Issue a "Call for Presentations," a formal invitation to speakers. Explain in your "Call for Presentations" the substance-abuse theme. Ask for a curriculum vitae or professional resume. This will be needed in case you can offer Continuing Education Units (or credits) for the attendees.

    • 6). Draft an agenda for the event conference. Schedule breaks at least every 1.5 hours. Once your speakers have been chosen, contact them with an invitation to speak, and determine what presentation equipment they require such as a podium, screen, projector, computer, or microphone. Most likely your venue can accommodate this list.

    • 7). Register to offer CEU's for any professionals attending. Contact a Continuing Education provider and apply for authorization to award credits. Contact your state's Department of Professional Regulation for a list of CEU providers.

    • 8). Hire a professional graphic artist to create a brochure advertising the substance-abuse conference. She will advise you on all the necessary information. Make sure the price for attending the conference is sufficient to underwrite it. Order the brochures at least three months in advance of your event.

    • 9). Publicize your event. Mail brochures to all health-care professionals, social workers, court personnel, medical workers, day and residential treatment facility staffers, clinicians in the area of criminal and juvenile justice; domestic violence service providers; adolescent treatment providers and interested others. This is your target audience. Create a master list of the names of those people invited to the conference. Consider advertising the event conference in professional journals and local newspapers to attract more attendees.

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      Update the master list of attendees as people respond to the brochures and advertising. Prepare name tags and seating place cards as people RSVP. Prepare a separate sign-in list for each day of the event. This is critical for CEUs'

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      Create handouts for the substance abuse conference. Speakers should send their materials ahead of time. Draft an attendee satisfaction survey. This is very important if CEUs are being offered. There should be a separate satisfaction survey for each day and each speaker. Order give-aways or promotional items at least two months in advance of the event.

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