Foods a Diabetic Should Avoid
- To understand what foods to avoid as a diabetic you must first understand the glycemic index. Glycemic index measures the effect that carbohydrate consumption has on blood sugar levels. Some carbohydrates break down quickly in our digestive system causing a rapid release of sugar into the blood. Others break down slowly causing a slower release of sugar into the blood. When the sugar enters the blood stream the body produces insulin to break down this sugar however in diabetics there is not enough insulin produced naturally and sugar builds up in the blood causing high blood sugar. When sugar rapidly enters the blood stream the demand for insulin becomes greater. However, if sugar were to slowly enter the blood stream the need for less insulin makes for a more stable blood sugar level. As a diabetic it is healthier to keep a stable blood sugar level throughout the day. It is important to avoid the foods that break down rapidly and release sugar quickly into the blood also known as high glycemic foods.
- The foods to avoid are mainly empty carbohydrates including all white flour breads, pasta, white rice, anything made with white sugar, corn syrup, or high fructose, processed foods like boxed or prepackaged foods, foods with no or low fiber, fruit juice with added sugar, condiments with added sugar, sugary cereals and regular soda. The two vegetables that have the highest glycemic index are potatoes and corn. Most foods that are packaged like frozen dinners and canned foods have fillers like corn starch, sugar and carbohydrate-based preservatives. Diabetics should avoid these types of meals and opt for fresh meat and vegetables.
- Diabetics should eat very high fiber foods, whole wheat breads and pastas, brown rice, treats made with artificial sweeteners in moderation, 100% natural fruit juice, natural protein like fresh meat, fresh, steamed or sautéed vegetables and fresh fruit. Diabetics should drink a lot of water. By eating foods that digest slower it will help the body to maintain a healthy blood sugar level throughout the day which in turn will help a person with diabetes feel better.
- Eating the rite foods is not enough, it is also important for diabetics to avoid skipping meals and eating overly large portions. Both of these things will also cause an abnormal spike or drop in blood sugar levels throughout the day. A diabetic should eat smaller portions and eat 6 times a day, having three meals and three snacks as long as the foods eaten are low glycemic index foods like the ones mentioned above. This style of eating more times a day and smaller portions will also help to keep the blood sugar levels in the body more stable.
- There are many resources available from websites to magazines and books that have recipes for preparing healthier low glycemic meals. There are magazines specifically geared towards diabetic diet and health. You can make almost any recipe substituting a low glycemic ingredient in place of a high one. This makes it easier to avoid the foods you shouldn't eat and still enjoy the meals you love to eat. It is worth the sacrifice of changing your diet if you have diabetes because if left untreated high blood sugar destroys organs and blood vessels in the body. Medication alone is not nearly as effective in controlling blood sugar levels as it is in combination with a good diet. Talk to your doctor for even more specific foods to avoid depending on the severity and type of diabetes you have.