Health & Medical Lose Weight

Breakfast, The Meal of Champions

We've all heard that breakfast is the most important meal in our day. Although that doesn't mean that everyone listens to this advice. A good weight loss program includes a nutritious breakfast.

The word breakfast comes from two words - break fast. After dinner, while we're sleeping, we are not eating for 6-12 hours depending on when we had dinner. So, we are actually fasting between dinner and when we eat our first meal. Therefore, breakfast is the first time you'll be eating anything for a long period of time. Eating a healthy breakfast helps us choose healthier foods so that we continue to get the proper nutrients needed for our bodies as well as those that fit into our diet program.

Some of the nutrients that our bodies need, like proteins, can't be stored in the body. We need to replenish these nutrients in order to be able to function properly.

Breakfast is also a very important source of energy to help us get started in the morning as well as helping to avoid certain illnesses and disease. Sugar levels are most likely not what they should be from not eating for so long and eating a healthy breakfast restores those levels, thereby helping to prevent diabetes and other blood sugar disorders. Eating a good breakfast also helps us to feel full so that we're not ravenous by lunchtime and overeating, which can wreck havoc with our weight loss program. We've all heard that obesity leads to heart disease, high blood pressure and other health problems.

Eating a healthy breakfast also provides the vitamins and minerals that we need throughout the day and skipping breakfast means we have to make up for those in some way. This is not always easy if we're eating only two meals a day. It only takes a few minutes in the morning to eat the foods we need that provide the nutrients to get us started.

Foods typically eaten for breakfast usually include the types of items from at least three different food groups. These may include whole grain toast from the bread food group, add peanut butter for the protein food group and top it off with some fruit or juice for the fruit food group.

Breakfast doesn't have to be a long, sit-down meal. A few minutes to prepare and eat a healthy breakfast can make a big difference in how you feel going into your day. These days, we have a lot of choices and even just grabbing an apple or healthy muffin is better then going without breakfast completely. Make the choice for a healthier lifestyle. Start your day with a nutritious meal and you'll feel better for it.

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