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How Long Can You Stay in Another Country?

    Country of Citizenship

    • In order to successfully cross the border from one country into another, whether as a first-time visitor or returning to your native one, proof of citizenship is required. Every country accepts a passport as sufficient proof of citizenship to cross its border. Only in a limited set of circumstances are alternative documents substantiating proof of citizenship acceptable.The traveler's country of citizenship plays a vital role in the length of stay permitted, as the laws governing length of stay will often be contingent on the laws of the destination country and the destination country's relationship with the traveler's country of citizenship.


    • Just as the traveler's country of citizenship is a factor in determining the length of stay permitted at a given destination, the laws of a given destination will also determine the length of stay. For example, U.S. citizens traveling to the United Kingdom are permitted to visit up to 180 days, regardless of the purpose of the visit. American visitors in this case require only a passport and no other supplemental documentation. Longer stays are permitted, although an application for a travel visa must be submitted. On the other hand, citizens of the Republic of China must submit an application for a travel visa, regardless of the purpose for visit to the United Kingdom, and are permitted to stay no longer than 180 days.

    Appropriate Documentation

    • The passport used for entry into a country must be unexpired, free from damage and at a minimum have several blank pages for visa entries. Often, it must also have an expiration date of at least six months past the intended date of departure. A visa is usally required, too. Visas are issued for the purposes of leisure travel, business travel, educational purposes, employment and more. The type of visa will dictate the permitted length of stay. For example, a travel visa may permit a stay of 30 days or three months while a study or educational visa may permit a stay of one year. Failure to arrive at a port or border entry without the required documentation will result in refusal of entry into the country and expulsion on the traveler's own dime.

    Other Laws

    • Various laws and agreements between nations provide leniency for the amount of time permitted to stay in a foreign country, while poor relations serve as a cause for restrictions. As part of the Schengen Agreement, free travel is permitted between 25 European countries. The agreement eliminates all border patrol between these nations and allows those who've successfully entered one of the partnering nations to travel freely between the others for up to 90 days, while citizens of these countries are permitted free travel continuously. On the other hand, as a result of long-standing animosity between the nations, anyone who has ever received a visa stamp from Israel may be denied entry into Lebanon, Saudi Arabia and other Muslim or Arab countries and vice versa.

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