Health & Medical Self-Improvement

Powerless Is an Illusion

We have been taught for centuries about our powerlessness.
Have you ever wondered why? Could it be that when we feel that we don't have the power to change something, then we become passive, resigned and submissive...
"What the Use Syndrome.
" And, aren't we therefore easier to control, more robotic? Churches say, "Do it my way...
there is no other way.
" Government claims, "It has to be this way.
" Schools teach, "But you must learn it this way for the test.
" The law states, "This is the rule, obey it or suffer the consequences.
" Doctors assert, "Take this medication and it will help make you better.
" I hope you are getting the picture...
the message of, "Don't rock the boat because we know better than you.
" Well, folks, the days of meekness and powerlessness are over, if you choose.
Your thoughts create.
They bring about the changes you want, if you want.
But, that means you must concentrate on what you're thinking and think about only what you desire, not what you don't want.
How could it get any better than that? You have never been powerless in your addictions.
You have been taught to believe you are.
You have only been hiding your power from yourself because you believed the messages given by those churches, schools, legal systems, governments and doctors.
You were sedated into feeling powerless by the rules of society.
Your drugs and alcohol made you feel powerless but...
you see, you never really were.
You chose to give up your power to them, to believe they were in charge rather than you.
It has been a grand illusion.
NOW is the time to change that thought.
Therefore, if you really choose wellness, health and vitality, your addiction recovery can be simple.
That does not mean that it will be challenge free.
It does mean however, that with every chosen, dynamic thought, it becomes easier to accept who you really are and how powerful you are.
There can no longer be blame on anyone or any thing for you are creating it all.
And each empowering creation will build on the next one.
Keep affirming you are an alcoholic or drug addict and you are...
you keep recreating it, even if you are no longer drinking or using, the addictive behavior continues.
But, keep affirming you are healthy, strong and powerful, and you create it, releasing your addictive behaviors.
What if it were that easy? Could your life change dramatically? How does it get any better than that?

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