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Homemaker Scholarships

    Native Organization Scholarships

    • The Association of American Indian Affairs Scholarships include a Displaced Homemaker Scholarship. This award is for men and women unable otherwise to pursue their educational goals because of family responsibilities. In most cases, the scholarship goes to older recipients who are attending or resuming college studies after raising their children. Applicants must submit a short essay about their family responsibilities and a monthly budget, in addition to a Certificate of Indian Blood (CIB), Proof of Tribal Enrollment, an essay, transcripts and two letters of recommendation. Award funds are for expenses such as childcare, transportation and living and educational costs. Renewal is not automatic, and students are eligible to apply annually. As at 2011, the value of the scholarship was $1,500.

    Nonprofit Organization Scholarships

    • Royal Neighbors of America is a nonprofit organization that sells life insurance and annuities to its members, as well as offering scholarships. Royal Neighbors provides scholarships for beneficial members returning to college or working toward additional certification to improve their career prospects. A beneficial member is one who is 18 years of age or older, a high school graduate and insured with or the owner of a Royal Neighbors annuity. The annual Life Enrichment Scholarship is for training in semi-professional occupations in business and industry. The New Horizons Scholarship is an annual award for students whose goal is to enroll for part-time or full-time degree studies at an accredited college or university. As at 2011, the value of the Life Enrichment scholarship was $500. The New Horizons scholarship value was up to $5,000.

    Private Donor Scholarships

    • In 1987 an initiative to assist individuals who needed to find paid employment in order to provide for themselves and their dependents resulted in the privately-funded Verna Trushel Displaced Homemakers' Scholarship. The scholarship is tenable at the University of Akron, Ohio. To be eligible, applicants must be students at the University of Akron, have 30 completed undergraduate credit hours toward graduation and a minimum 2.2 grade point average (GPA). A displaced homemaker is, by definition, someone out of the workforce for years, someone dependent on public assistance or the income of another family member, someone receiving public assistance to support dependent children, or someone unemployed or underemployed. This scholarship aims to assist the displaced homemaker who seeks to make the most of employment opportunities through academic coursework. The scholarship value is undisclosed.

    County Scholarships

    • In Kentucky the LaRue County Extension Homemakers Scholarship Fund offers a year's financial assistance to male and female high school graduates who plan to further their education in family and consumer science, agriculture and related fields. Awarding of the scholarship reflects financial need, scholastic merit and recommendations. As at 2011, the scholarship value was $400.

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