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Is Cheating The Same As Lying?

Lying seems to be almost a way of life for some people.
I knew a chap who'd lie when there was absolutely no reason to do so.
This was many years ago when I was serving my apprenticeship.
But if you asked this bloke a question, you were on fairly safe ground to turn his answer around to the opposite, and you'd come up with something near the truth.
If we've just been in a car accident, we're quite likely to mix up our facts or at the very least, forget all the minutiae of what has been, after all, a very traumatic experience.
So if we have been in an accident, the chances are we'll tell one person one thing, but tell someone else something different.
We've just had traumatic time of it so our re-call is rather off balance.
This is perfectly natural.
Indeed, it'd make you wonder at the person who was spot on every day.
Another thing to watch for is that when people lie, they seem to use as few personal pronouns as possible.
Words like; "me", "I", etc.
On the other hand, supposing someone's given you something for Christmas, that you really like, you're much more likely to say something like: "Those motor cycle gauntlets you gave me are really great.
I'll wear them a lot, and I can get rid of my old pair.
" But the interesting part is that if you gave someone a set of place mats that you'd made yourself, they might say; "Oh, they are nice.
They go so well with the tablecloth.
Visitors have already been impressed.
" You'll note that there are no personal pronouns there at all.
As to the question is cheating the same as lying.
Supposing you'd spent a hot and heavy evening with Mavis, (her with the fake blonde hair!), you go home and your wife asks you where you've been.
"Spent the evening with Jack.
" Now, cheating on your spouse is a lie in itself, but you compound this by telling her you were somewhere you weren't.
So there are two lies right away.
The silly thing is that its easier to tell the truth than to lie.
You feel a lot more comfortable.
Another way to tell if someone's a liar is to see whether a person with whom your talking tries repeatedly to change the subject.
You can try this out by suddenly changing the subject to, say, everyone's favorite, the weather.
If they seem particularly relieved, change the subject back to the original one and see if they try to veer off it again.
Don't forget that the sin of omission is just as bad as the sin of commission.
If someone at work receives an important piece of information which they know they should pass on to you, but don't for some reason, that's every bit as bad as lying.

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