What is Calorie Shifting Cycling?
What is this Diet? Calorie shifting cycling better known as calorie shifting is and has been for the past few years one of the hottest ways to lose weight.
The success of this technique is because of its ease of use, the fact that you don't have to exercise or stop eating what you love, and because it's fun! If you were like me you probably tried a variety of different dieting techniques like the no carbohydrates diet, the cabbage soup diet, the calorie decrease diet, expensive meal plans, diet pills, dietary supplements all without success.
That's okay because the aim of those diets didn't work with you, they worked against you.
After a week on the no carbohydrate diet I started craving an orange! It just doesn't work and they are expensive.
Eating More to Lose More The calorie shifting diet or calorie shifting cycling diet encourages you to eat and at least 4 times a day! It's that wonderful? Also you don't need to count calories, or hurt your body in the process of losing weight.
By eating specific foods at least 4 times a day your metabolism, your fat burning hormone, is manipulated into burning fat fast.
You won't be hungry between meals! So what are these specific foods? Well they range from a variety of food from shrimp and chicken to fish and cheese.
It is not recommended that you create your own calorie shifting regime, there are professional calorie shifting cycling diets on the market they will help you create your meals for you.
So How Do I Start Calorie Shifting? One of the most popular calorie shifting diets on the market is called Fat Loss 4 Idiots.
They have created a unique, easy to use and convenient approach for people who want to lose weight fast.
Their claim is that you can lose 9 pounds in 11 days, but I found that if you read forums people lost on average of 7-10 pounds every 11 days.
All you have to do is choose what foods you want for the next 11 days and the Fat Loss 4 Idiots Diet Generator automatically gives you a menu for 4 meals a day for the next 11 days.
It's that simple.
And you keep on using the diet generator depending on how much weight you want to lose.
So if you want to lose 30 pounds you would use the Diet Generator for 3 or 4 cycles until you reach your goals.
The success of this technique is because of its ease of use, the fact that you don't have to exercise or stop eating what you love, and because it's fun! If you were like me you probably tried a variety of different dieting techniques like the no carbohydrates diet, the cabbage soup diet, the calorie decrease diet, expensive meal plans, diet pills, dietary supplements all without success.
That's okay because the aim of those diets didn't work with you, they worked against you.
After a week on the no carbohydrate diet I started craving an orange! It just doesn't work and they are expensive.
Eating More to Lose More The calorie shifting diet or calorie shifting cycling diet encourages you to eat and at least 4 times a day! It's that wonderful? Also you don't need to count calories, or hurt your body in the process of losing weight.
By eating specific foods at least 4 times a day your metabolism, your fat burning hormone, is manipulated into burning fat fast.
You won't be hungry between meals! So what are these specific foods? Well they range from a variety of food from shrimp and chicken to fish and cheese.
It is not recommended that you create your own calorie shifting regime, there are professional calorie shifting cycling diets on the market they will help you create your meals for you.
So How Do I Start Calorie Shifting? One of the most popular calorie shifting diets on the market is called Fat Loss 4 Idiots.
They have created a unique, easy to use and convenient approach for people who want to lose weight fast.
Their claim is that you can lose 9 pounds in 11 days, but I found that if you read forums people lost on average of 7-10 pounds every 11 days.
All you have to do is choose what foods you want for the next 11 days and the Fat Loss 4 Idiots Diet Generator automatically gives you a menu for 4 meals a day for the next 11 days.
It's that simple.
And you keep on using the diet generator depending on how much weight you want to lose.
So if you want to lose 30 pounds you would use the Diet Generator for 3 or 4 cycles until you reach your goals.