How To Develop Relentless Motivation For Fitness (Desire, Part 2)
What is the number one question to generate inspiration right now towards any goal you have for yourself? Answer the question, "What Will This Goal Do for You?" It is also important to have compelling reasons for your objectives.
When you know why you want something, you create a force in your subconscious mind and a strong desire within you to take the actions necessary to achieve that end.
In addition, you want to become familiar with the feelings that are associated with each goal.
You want to feel this way as often as you can even before you reach your goal.
When you feel like a champion, you do what champions do and therefore become a champion.
In reality, if you feel like a champion, you've already won.
You are not only what you eat but also what you FEEL.
Dig Deep When you consider the benefits of your goals, ask yourself, "Is there a higher reason?" Keep repeating this question after each answer until you cannot go any higher.
Examples of questions to ask yourself: What benefits will achieving my goal give others? How will my life be different after reaching this goal? What does this goal do for me? How will I feel on a daily basis after achieving this goal? What new clothes will I be able to wear? What new activities will I be able do? How much more confident will I be? You get the idea; you must get in there and pull out all of the wonderful things that will happen for you upon reaching this goal.
Experience the Feelings Now One of the benefits of the pursuit and completion of meaningful goals is how it makes you feel.
Why wait until the goal is accomplished to feel this way? Your completed goals may make you feel healthy, vibrant, alive, happy, young, sexy, strong, athletic, and so forth.
You can experience these feelings now as you exercise, eat right, and make progress.
Walk and talk as if you already feel this way and are this person.
You get what you feel.
Don't be surprised if you notice a big change on the outside when you change your inside.
You must be the person first (through feeling) to have the body you want.
TIP: Just ask yourself, "How would it feel to have this goal accomplished right now?" Then sit, stand, or move with that feeling.
You can think back to past victories and times when you felt unstoppable.
Bringing up images and feelings of the past is a fun way to feel confident and strong right now.
You can visualize images that create these feelings or use symbols that associate with your goal.
Possible symbols could include photographs, music, videos, or anything that gets you fired up about your goal.
If you desire an improved physique you can get a picture of your ideal body type, and glue your face on it.
Every time you see the picture, imagine yourself having that body right there and then in the present and feel it! Be creative and have fun designing your body and your life.
When you know why you want something, you create a force in your subconscious mind and a strong desire within you to take the actions necessary to achieve that end.
In addition, you want to become familiar with the feelings that are associated with each goal.
You want to feel this way as often as you can even before you reach your goal.
When you feel like a champion, you do what champions do and therefore become a champion.
In reality, if you feel like a champion, you've already won.
You are not only what you eat but also what you FEEL.
Dig Deep When you consider the benefits of your goals, ask yourself, "Is there a higher reason?" Keep repeating this question after each answer until you cannot go any higher.
Examples of questions to ask yourself: What benefits will achieving my goal give others? How will my life be different after reaching this goal? What does this goal do for me? How will I feel on a daily basis after achieving this goal? What new clothes will I be able to wear? What new activities will I be able do? How much more confident will I be? You get the idea; you must get in there and pull out all of the wonderful things that will happen for you upon reaching this goal.
Experience the Feelings Now One of the benefits of the pursuit and completion of meaningful goals is how it makes you feel.
Why wait until the goal is accomplished to feel this way? Your completed goals may make you feel healthy, vibrant, alive, happy, young, sexy, strong, athletic, and so forth.
You can experience these feelings now as you exercise, eat right, and make progress.
Walk and talk as if you already feel this way and are this person.
You get what you feel.
Don't be surprised if you notice a big change on the outside when you change your inside.
You must be the person first (through feeling) to have the body you want.
TIP: Just ask yourself, "How would it feel to have this goal accomplished right now?" Then sit, stand, or move with that feeling.
You can think back to past victories and times when you felt unstoppable.
Bringing up images and feelings of the past is a fun way to feel confident and strong right now.
You can visualize images that create these feelings or use symbols that associate with your goal.
Possible symbols could include photographs, music, videos, or anything that gets you fired up about your goal.
If you desire an improved physique you can get a picture of your ideal body type, and glue your face on it.
Every time you see the picture, imagine yourself having that body right there and then in the present and feel it! Be creative and have fun designing your body and your life.