Health & Medical Self-Improvement

5 Tips On How To Approach Women At Bars And Nightclubs

So you are out with your three best friends partying at your favourite bar or nightclub. The dance floor is packed, the music is pumping and everyone is having a great time drinking and laughing. One of your friends decides to approach a group of three girls, laying down his best moves. After a bit of a chat, he calls the group over and all of a sudden it becomes apparent that.... "Your in."

However like a cruel game of musical chairs, it becomes clear that there are 4 guys and 3 girls... meaning someone is going to miss out... and like it or not (if you are reading this article) chances are this is you.

When it comes to meeting women in bars and nightclubs, the bad news is that there is no silver bullet that guarantees you will meet someone. The good news is that there are a few things you can do to improve your chances.

1. Confidence

Easier said than done obviously however if you want to meet girls, you have to brave the possibility of rejection and have a go. Girls like guys that are confident, so if you are shy and wait for them to come up to you then you will be waiting for a long time. Bars and nightclubs reward guys that have the guts to make a move, so if it means having a few extra drinks to get the "Dutch Courage" coursing through your veins then drink up.

2. No One Liners

Not sure who invented the concept of a "Pickup Line" but rest assured they don't work. Unfortunately, 9/10 guys who try to approach women in bars and nightclubs are complete idiots. As such, a girl is likely to assume you too are a complete idiot unless you prove otherwise. And you don't do this by sounding exactly like every other guy.

3. Don't Talk... Listen

That's right... The less you talk the better. If she talking then she obviously deems that you are at least worth a conversation. If this is the case, ask questions, get her to elaborate... SHOW HER YOUR INTERESTED IN WHAT SHE HAS TO SAY. Whilst this concept may be foreign to a lot of guys, it's important (albeit a slight cliche)

4. Dancing

So if you do get to the stage where you start dancing together, don't try and dance like the guys from "Step Up," "Save the Last Dance" or any other dancing movie. Just because it looks cool on the movie screen doesn't mean YOU will look cool doing it. For the average dancer, the harder you try, the dumber you look. The most important thing is that you look like you are having fun and you don't care.

5. The Kiss

So the hardest part of meeting a girl at a bar or nightclub is knowing when to try and kiss her. It's the make or break moment of the night. So if you want to know if she is up for it, try pulling her close and holding her hands (as in with your fingers in between each other.) If she brushes your attempt then you have no chance. If on the other hand she is okay with that, then chances are she'll be happy to hook up with you. In terms of taking her home... well... you need to walk before you can run....

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