You May Have to Go it Alone
When you are looking for a home based business and join a network marketing (MLM or multi-level) company, your upline (the person who gets you to join and those who are above him in the pay plan) will surely tell you that you will get all kinds of help.
You and anyone you bring into the business become their downline.
Your upline will tell you: "You are in business for yourself but not by yourself.
" You are promised that there are people above you who have a vested interest in your success and that they cannot succeed unless YOU succeed.
If they are not there to readily help, you should plan to put in a lot of work because you may have to go it alone.
The offers to assist in building your business will be there, but the help will not normally be freely given to you UNLESS you demonstrate the qualities of a leader and it is evident that you will make a lot of money for your upline.
If you come out of the gate running with your list of a hundred people from your friends and family and excitedly begin to contact them, you may get some early help from your upline with three way calls.
It will be necessary for you to make the initial contact and get the person interested in joining you as a distributor in your downline.
Then the upline may help you.
While it is true that virtually all network marketing companies these days have good information available for all to use on their websites and that they provide training materials, it is up to the individual distributor to get people interested enough to visit those websites.
The brand new distributors quite likely got very excited when they visited the website and learned about the opportunity.
They cannot understand why everyone would not want to join them in their business.
All too soon they discover that it is not easy to find interested prospects.
Success could have come quickly to the person who presented the program to the new distributor.
That person may have been a leader in the company and could have mentioned the huge checks he was receiving.
He was likely already a leader in some capacity so that he had credibility with his warm market contacts.
Perhaps you do not have that same kind of influence with your own friends and family.
Maybe they have seen you join several network marketing companies in the past without finding any measurable success.
They may groan when you try to introduce them to yet another "opportunity.
" Although you believe in the power of network marketing, it is difficult to get others to share your view.
If your upline does not see you as a leader, they will not seek you out to help you.
You need to go to them if you want their assistance.
If you feel you cannot get the help you desire from them, it behooves you to make yourself as knowledgeable as possible about your company and product.
Become the leader you need to be because it is all together possible that you may have to go it alone in your business.
You and anyone you bring into the business become their downline.
Your upline will tell you: "You are in business for yourself but not by yourself.
" You are promised that there are people above you who have a vested interest in your success and that they cannot succeed unless YOU succeed.
If they are not there to readily help, you should plan to put in a lot of work because you may have to go it alone.
The offers to assist in building your business will be there, but the help will not normally be freely given to you UNLESS you demonstrate the qualities of a leader and it is evident that you will make a lot of money for your upline.
If you come out of the gate running with your list of a hundred people from your friends and family and excitedly begin to contact them, you may get some early help from your upline with three way calls.
It will be necessary for you to make the initial contact and get the person interested in joining you as a distributor in your downline.
Then the upline may help you.
While it is true that virtually all network marketing companies these days have good information available for all to use on their websites and that they provide training materials, it is up to the individual distributor to get people interested enough to visit those websites.
The brand new distributors quite likely got very excited when they visited the website and learned about the opportunity.
They cannot understand why everyone would not want to join them in their business.
All too soon they discover that it is not easy to find interested prospects.
Success could have come quickly to the person who presented the program to the new distributor.
That person may have been a leader in the company and could have mentioned the huge checks he was receiving.
He was likely already a leader in some capacity so that he had credibility with his warm market contacts.
Perhaps you do not have that same kind of influence with your own friends and family.
Maybe they have seen you join several network marketing companies in the past without finding any measurable success.
They may groan when you try to introduce them to yet another "opportunity.
" Although you believe in the power of network marketing, it is difficult to get others to share your view.
If your upline does not see you as a leader, they will not seek you out to help you.
You need to go to them if you want their assistance.
If you feel you cannot get the help you desire from them, it behooves you to make yourself as knowledgeable as possible about your company and product.
Become the leader you need to be because it is all together possible that you may have to go it alone in your business.