Health & Medical Health Care

Horror, Horror, Horror and Then it Gets Worse! Nursing Home Sagas of 2007 and 2008 and Earlier

Use A large Search Engine to Find the Results and Truth: After reading some of the search engine's news alerts on one or two particular topics, I feel a little ill.
I read in horror.
I read in disbelief.
But only for about three minutes do I remain unbelieving because I think back to when I visited one of the rehabilitation and care centers, one that boasted of a completely closed in solarium, and I remember the horrible things that I saw inside of that one.
Just having that short memory was enough to make me a believer as I read through the hundreds and hundreds of news alerts that regarded the topics of nursing homes and rehabilitation and care centers.
What kinds of things do I read that make me feel ill?For example, I read one news alert that clearly stated that one nursing home resident was found with maggots in his eyes and on his body.
Meanwhile for days or weeks before, no staff member noticed that he was developing maggots?What does it take to develop maggots to begin with?I am guessing that wetness or dampness and dirt, and bacteria are good starts for a maggot infestation.
Perhaps a dirty , wet diaper might have triggered the maggots if the resident was on a filthy bedspread or sheet? Perhaps.
Only we can guess at these things.
But we can also, besides guessing, remember what we saw in some nursing homes and put two and two together .
Then , indeed our guesses might be pretty close to reality , correct? Maggots in Eyes!Horror and more Horror! How does a grown man develop maggots in his eyes?Anyone care to answer that? Another resident of another nursing home was found dead after being thrown or jumped from the sixth floor window.
Was this person thrown or did they jump?The first news reports claim it was a suicide.
But I would like to know how they came to that conclusion.
After all, did anyone find a suicide note? No note was mentioned in the news article.
Did anyone have a reason why this person would want to kill themselves? No one mentioned any reasons.
So how did the news or the police come to the conclusion that this was indeed a suicide.
Is that the easiest guess? Or is that the answer that does not require an investigation and some expense of money that must be distributed in order to do an investigation.
Wouldn't you think that an investigation is necessary when a resident, who was not even missing, was found dead on the ground outdoors from a nursing home? I am still waiting to hear what the investigation found out --IF there was an investigation.
I read other horror stories too in the news alerts.
I read stories that there was one nursing home that was closed down because they found another resident outdoors and they dragged the body indoors so that no one would know the person died outdoors.
This person, too, was not even missed by the staff until they found the body.
Rehabilitation and Care Center Resident FOUND near Staten Island Ferry (and She Was Not Even Noticed Missing)! Are you getting ill hearing these stories? Are you thinking they cannot be true? Are you thinking this must be happening somewhere else, but not in America? Think again.
Most of those incidents happened in the USA.
In fact, one , this one, where a lady was not even noticed missing, was found at or near the Staten Island Ferry.
AFTER that incident, the rehabilitation and care center implemented new rules.
AFTER this lady was found, they began issuing passes to the visitors,seemingly so this could be prevented.
How about just being more careful?Instead of regulating visitors, how about just making sure that the staff does their job?How is it possible that a resident should be missing so long that they can make it all the way to the Staten Island Ferry?Granted, this nursing home , pardon me, this rehabilitation and care center is not far from the water, but still, the staff did not even notice that she was missing.
How do these horrible things happen and how do they remain covered up? And who are these higher-ups who cover these things up?You would think that this Staten Island incident shouldhave made the front pages of the newspapers but it did not.
Thank God this woman was found in time, meaning , was found alive.
Shortly after that they transferred her to another facility or hospital.
Horror, horror and more horror and it happens every single day right here in America.
Write to me and let me know your true story.
Article created June 17, 2008

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