Health & Medical Acne

Home Remedies For Acne Free Skin

More and more people are looking to their home pantry or for things that they can do themselves to have acne free skin.
Here are four home remedies that I've personally used to help my acne problems through the years.
Diet, sleep, toothpaste, and garlic are inexpensive (or free) and readily available to help you have clearer skin in no time.
First we'll look at diet.
There are many controversies floating around as to whether what we eat affects our skin.
One group of people say no while one group of people says yes.
I am of the school that says of course what we eat affects our skin.
How could it not? Our body is made up of and runs on what we put into our mouths.
If what we put into our bodies is not healthy then those toxins are going to find their way out of your body not only by natural elimination but also by bursting out of your skin in the form of acne and blackheads.
Carbohydrates and white sugar are one of the biggest culprits.
These two food sources can activate the hormones that tell your sebaceous glands to product more oil.
It is believed by scientists and nutritionists that high carbohydrate foods and sugar trigger a sharp increase in insulin production that in turn triggers hormonal increases leading to oily skin and clogged pores.
So you will want to especially stay away from these two food sources.
Sleep and good quality rest are very important for acne free skin.
Our body begins to naturally heal when we get good quality rest.
Sleep is the time when the body is given a chance to slow down and prioritize on rejuvenating.
This is the time when your body can start healing.
So, what this means is if we're doing things to externally to clear up our skin then internally, during sleep, our body is working from the inside to clear up our skin.
Toothpaste you ask? This is a little secret that my great-grandmother taught me many years ago.
For this you need a true tooth paste and preferably without fluoride.
The toothpaste can act as a drying agent which will dry the pimple out.
Natural or organic toothpaste really work the best.
Garlic works to eliminate acne because it contains active sulfur/sulphur.
Sulfur/sulphur has been used to treat problem skins and acne for decades because acts as a keratolytic (shedding of the outer layer of the skin) and also has germicidal action.
Garlic is considered to be one of the best natural antibiotics so it does well at helping to clear up acne.
Being acne free doesn't have to cost a fortune and many times things we have in our homes or actions we can take ourselves can work great at effectively treating acne.
So the next time your plagued with an unwanted blemish why not try some of these tactics first?

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