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Testing Your Psychic Abilities

If you're one of the many people delightfully surprised to find that you seem to exhibit certain traits or have certain experiences hinting at the possibility of being psychic, it might help to put these newfound skills to the test. There are a few exercises and/or tests you can administer to yourself to help better identify your own specific psychic gift as well as rule out certain data if it's not reliable or repeatable.

Many psychic tests are limited to testing one's ability to gather information from afar, usually via mind-reading or remote viewing. These are popular and include the zener cards with the various symbols on them or just a simple deck of playing cards. Don't feel defeated if you can't guess someone's card or other similar tricks. It doesn't mean you have no psychic ability. It just signifies that you may not be overly telepathic or clairvoyant. There are several other psychic gifts that are known to manifest.

Some people are emotionally sensitive to spaces or objects. For example, perhaps you can spend some time touching an object to learn its history. Perhaps you are extra sensitive to subtle energies and can route the flow of chi through a space quite well, making you an excellent Feng Shui consultant. Everyone's psychic touch is a little different so don't focus your own psychic testing and experimentation to the pre-conceived notions about what extra-sensory perception should entail. If it were up to mainstream society, all psychics should have a direct line to guessing tomorrow's lottery numbers. Of course, as we all know quite well, it usually doesn't work that way.

There are a number of books and resources that can direct you to some other unique psychic talent tests or experiments. You've seen key-benders perform on stage and there are people who can bend metal with a stroke of their finger or their mind. There are those who's "psychic" ability is connected to healing and directing the subtle energies of the body. This doesn't fit into the neat little package of telepathic, fortune-telling psychic but it is a psychic ability. A mutant power, if you will. Don't be afraid to explore your personal tastes and abilities to determine your strengths in the realms not yet explored by science.

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