Health & Medical Health Care

Foods to Help Constipation - Easy Tips to Ease Your Bloating

Constipation is embarrassing and a very irritating condition.
It is a relatively common condition which are generally caused by poor nutrition and the lack of drinking water.
Foods to help constipation should be added to the diet immediately and also to adhere to drinking water regularly.
With these issues taken care of, most constipation would be cured.
Although constipation generally last a day or two the bowels must move out before more harm sets in.
Our feces are filled with harmful bacteria and toxins.
These need to be removed out of our bodies otherwise the harmful bacteria and toxins would be reabsorbed into our bloodstream.
When this happen it can lead to so many medical problems and an even longer blockage can lead to death.
The best food to help constipation will naturally help keep the colon and bowels clean so blockages would not happen.
The US recommended daily allowance(RDA) for fiber is 25 grams.
Unfortunately most people only get about a quarter of this measure each day especially if they eat more meat than vegetables.
Foods to help constipation are those very high in fiber.
The fiber adds bulk to your stool which helps maintain regularity because it moves through the bowels easier.
Fiber also adds water to the stool so it is much softer and can be passed out easily.
Such foods are the apricots, apples and prunes.
All the vegetables are good too.
They are corn, spinach, legumes, cauliflower, carrots, brussel sprouts and cabbage.
Other foods to help constipation are whole grain cereal and breads, bran and oatmeal.
We must not forget however that fiber on itself would not ease your constipation at all.
You would also need a sufficient supply of water too.
Our body depends on water for many processes, digestion and waste elimination are no different.
You must have at least 8 glasses of water per day.
In order to do this, drink a glass of water every hour on the dot.
By the end of the day you would have consumed more than 10 glasses of water.
* By consuming foods high in fiber and drinking lots of water your constipation should be cured in a few weeks.
Sadly it would not happen overnight.
However there is another method which can produce faster result.

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