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Cash for Junk Cars: Signs That Your Junker May Be Worth Something

If an old car that you never is drive sitting in your yard, relinquishing it to a salvage yard that pays cash for cars could put extra money in your pocket. Auto salvage lots that pay cash for junk cars buy various types of vehicles. Just because your automobile is in bad condition doesn't mean that it has no value. In many cases, salvage lots pay hundreds of dollars, if not more, for vehicles that are considered clunkers. Could your old car be so valuable? If it has some of the following attributes, perhaps so.

Dentless, Rust Free Body Panels

In addition to engine components, people also visit salvage yards to find body panels. If the hood, trunk, bumpers, and doors of your vehicle are in good condition, a salvage yard can probably resell them, which means you could likely sell the vehicle to a salvage yard.

Tires With Little Wear

Salvage lots that pay cash for junk cars also sell tires. If your vehicle stopped working not long after you replaced its tires, the tires probably have value to a junkyard that offers cash for cars. If you can't place the tires on another vehicle, you may as well sell the vehicle that they are on, and recoup some of the investment.

Still Drivable

Some Auto salvage lots purchase well used automobiles that are still drivable, and sell them as used vehicles. Why sell such a vehicle to a salvage lot instead of a car dealer? In many cases, a junkyard makes an offer that is close to the vehicle's true value, whereas most auto dealers try to offer the lowest price possible, especially when you sell the vehicle outright.

Undamaged Engine Parts

A car often stops working because a single engine component malfunctions. Because the rest of the components work fine, the vehicle still has value to a junkyard, as it can simply remove the bad parts and sell the good ones. If you have an old car that stopped working because one or two things went wrong under the hood, the vehicle may have worth to an auto salvage yard that pays cash for cars.


If you have a so-called junk vehicle that has tires with little wear, undamaged engine parts, good looking body panels, or is still drivable, you should contact an auto salvage yard that offers cash for junk cars. You may be able to sell the vehicle for hundreds of dollars, if not more.

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