Law & Legal & Attorney Employment & labor Law

France Labor Law


    • An employment contract must include details of the employee's remuneration, job description, hours of work and place of work. Employers are also allowed to impose a probation period, which is normally three months but can be renewed. Employees' compensation should not be below the statutory minimum or the minimum stipulated in the industrywide collective bargaining agreement that the employer falls under. The contract can also offer other benefits such as an employee profit-sharing scheme.

    Collective Sacking

    • A "job preservation plan" must be put in place when more than 10 people are to be laid off in a 30-day period. The plan explains all the actions that the employer has taken to avoid loss of jobs. These actions include job-sharing and redeployment. The plan must also include details of the severance package for the employees. Layoffs of more than 100 employees can only be done 30 days after authorities have been informed. Up to 249 layoffs requires 45 days and 250 or more requires a 60-day notice. Severance pay must be at least one-fifth of the employee's monthly pay for each year of service after two years, and two-fifths for each year after 10 years.

    Working Hours

    • The statutory working hours are 35 per week. One can, however, work for a maximum of 10 hours a day and 48 hours a week. Any hour worked beyond the statutory maximum is regarded as overtime work, whose compensation is 10 per cent more than normal hourly wage for companies with a maximum of 20 workers. Companies with more than 20 workers are supposed to pay 25 per cent more in overtime unless there is an industry agreement that states otherwise. The law prohibits workers from working more than 220 overtime hours per year.


    • The retirement age in France is 65 years. However, an employee can choose to retire at the age of 60 provided he has contributed to the statutory retirement scheme for 40 years. There are plans to extend this to 42 years of contribution to the pension scheme by 2020.

    Rest days

    • Employees are not supposed to work on Sunday as the law states they must be given a day off lasting 24 hours every week. There are, however, exceptions to this rule depending on the industry. Police officers can work on Sunday since they are offering an essential service. The same applies to a company that produces perishable goods.

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