Stock Broking Games
- Stock broker games simulate the stock market but without any potential for real life loss.pech beim anlegen? image by Patrizier-Design from
Stock brokers give people a chance to invest in the market, but the stock market system can be too complex for many people to understand. Becoming a stock broker can be a difficult process that involves understanding a fickle and ever changing economy. Luckily, there are many games available for free online that simulate the market and provide insight into the way it operates. - “Battle Stock Broker 2,” a game available at, is a simple but fun stock broker game. The control scheme is very simple. Players have three stocks to choose from in the game. Next to each stock is a text window where players can select how many stocks they wish to buy. Players start out with $40 and must invest it wisely. After players select their stocks, they can click the “next week” button. The value of stocks can increase, decrease or stay the same. The game can seem random but players can watch the trends in the game. If a stock keeps falling consistently, it is likely to start going up soon. A stock that has risen several turns in a row will inevitably start to fall. Players can save their progress and even upload it to a leader board.
- “Battle Stock Broker 2” is a simple game while “Sim Exchange” is a much more complex game. The game requires a free membership to play. However, instead of playing the real world stock market, players will play the video game stock market. Instead of three stocks, players have access to dozens of video game stocks from Nintendo to Sony. The stock market accurately reflects the real world video game stock market, meaning players can use real world information to predict how the stock market will change. Players can buy and sell stocks and read game reports that include predicted sales and real world reviews and ratings of the games. The real world aspect of this game makes it exciting for players, although players still only play with virtual money.
- “Virtual Trader” is a stock broker game that simulates the U.K. stock market. After registering for a free account, players receive 100,000 pounds of virtual money, which they can then use to buy and sell stocks. Players compete against opponents from around the world to become the best stock broker, and can create a profile to join a league. Leagues are groups of virtual stock brokers who work together to make money for themselves and for their league. You can create your own or join an existing league. Leagues can be public or private, meaning anybody can join or people can only join when invited. Players are ranked every month, relative to how they performed that month. Top players have their ranks displayed online. Players buy and sell real world stocks in a virtual environment. All U.K. stock market changes will be accurately reflected in the game, meaning players can watch the stock market in the real world and trade online.