Business & Finance Personal Finance

Why use a Debt Counselor?

I find it interesting that people do not know exactly how much they spend on a monthly basis. A lot of this has to do with the compulsion that having their money at hand will always cause the person to spend it immediately. In the mist of spending sometimes bills are overlooked and are paid late or sometimes disconnected. Of course, it is hard living from check to check but cutting back on some luxuries could help you even save money.
Why use a debt counselor? Have you heard of the saying “ Two heads are better than one”? Its true! Sometimes someone else perspective can help you understand some of the reasons why you have not achieved your goal in saving or budgeting properly.
For example, have you ever written down all your debts and wondered why you do not have enough money to pay your bills or where all your money went? The reason is that you do not write everything down, every cent spent accumulates and you are not aware of it because it is too small of an amount. You might say who will miss it. Well actually you will. A great scenario: let say that you got paid, during lunch you go cash your check. On the way back to work you find yourself hungry, so you go to Subways and buy yourself some lunch. The cost for lunch was 8.50, and then you go back to work and have some change left. Later that day you get a little hungry so you find yourself at the vending machine and you buy yourself a soda and some chips, another 1.20. By the end of the day a friend tells you that they are going to happy hour. So you decide to go, you spend another 25.00 for drinks and a good time. So before you even pay a bill you have already spent 34.70 on wants. This is one of the problems, is that things are never planned.
The reasons to use a counselor is because they can help you, first, by letting you know were most of you money goes to. Second, how you can better budget you bills without falling behind or getting disconnection notices. They will also give you suggestions on where to cut down expenses or what approach might suit you better. A counselor will guide you to improving you credit, how to build credit if you have none or even guide you in rebuilding it. Counselors analyze all the information that is provided to them and with that they are able to help you with you goals. Counselors are a great resource because they do a lot of research and most of everything they write on is something that they have tried themselves.
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