How Does Myoplex Work?
- Myoplex is a formula designed to act as a high-grade protein supplement, improving the physique and muscle mass of bodybuilders and those in physical training. Myoplex's New Formula is a whey-based protein supplement, served in powder form, that repairs the muscle tissue that is normally damaged in the course of athletic and body building training due to increasingly heavy weight repetitions. The manner in which the amino acids are concentrated provides for the absorption of the formula by the body's muscles in the course of exercise.
- A Myoplex serving provides the user with 2g of fat but 42 total grams of protein and 24g of carbohydrates. The high protein content is key to the stated purpose of Myoplex--to increase muscle mass via the repairing of muscles. Myoplex contains a number of proteins, including the highly popular ion-enhanced whey protein. In the course of a workout, the athlete or bodybuilder tears and strains the body muscles as each muscle group is pushed to an ultimate point of fatigue, or "the wall." Once this point is reached, the workout is discontinued, as the muscles can no longer function under such a strenuous load. While products like GAKIC aid the body builder by neutralizing amino acids and harmful body toxins, thus extending this wall or "point of no return", Myoplex works by decreasing the necessary recovery time and, most importantly, rebuilding the muscles more quickly and efficiently. The key to successful muscle growth is the constant, repeated breaking down and rebuilding of the muscles; each time this occurs, the muscle heals to a stronger state, requiring consistently heavier workouts and rep routines. Myoplex promotes the rapid rebuilding of gradually larger muscles via whey protein.
- Aside from its role in the rebuilding of muscles, whey protein has been associated with numerous health benefits, although the definite link between whey protein and these benefits has not been entirely proven. All the same, the protein has been known to cut down on peripheral hypertension by decreasing harmful enzymes, as well as lowering cholesterol, helping prevent osteroporosis and possibly decreasing the likelihood of various forms of cancer. Myoplex does not contain wheat or yeast, and is 99 percent lactose-free. While not recommended for use before bed, the product does possess some amounts of Yeast RNA (ribonucleic acid), which can provide immune-system support and help with the body's glutamine synthesis.