Cars & Vehicles Trucks

How to Identify the 1993 Nissan D21U Pickup

    • 1). Ensure that the truck is a Nissan. Check for the Nissan logos on the outside of the truck. Open the hood and look inside for a Nissan logo on the engine.

    • 2). Look for an owner's manual. The most likely place to find the owner's manual is the glove compartment. Look inside the book for the year of manufacture date.

    • 3). Count how many doors the truck has. The D21U came in only a two door version.

    • 4). Check the truck's VIN number. Since 1981, all vehicles are required to have a VIN number. The number will tell you the vehicle make year, where it was built and the manufacturer. Look on the inside panel of the front door for the VIN number. Run the VIN number at a local DMV to get the correct information. This will tell you everything that you need. You can also use one of the VIN number identification sites on the web. Three of the most common sites are Decode This, Is It a Lemon and (see Resources for links).

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