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DUI Penalties in Riverside County, California

    First-Time Offenders

    • Severe punishments are intended to deter drunk drunk to drive image by Marjan Veljanoski from

      If convicted of your first DUI, California law, which applies in Riverside County, states that you be imposed with a six-month driver's license suspension and the requirement of taking a DUI program before the license is reinstated. The length of time in the DUI program is based on your blood alcohol level (BAC). You may incur a fine of no less than $390 and no more than $1,000, with about three times the fine's amount added on in penalty assessments. Your vehicle may also be impounded and subject to storage fees.

    Second-Time Offenders

    • Being convicted of drunk driving substantially increases your car image by Horticulture from

      Second-time DUI convictions in Riverside County within a 10-year span earn harsher punishments. Instead of six months, your license can be suspended for two years, or it can be revoked for up to four. After the period of suspension or is over, and you are enrolled in or have completed a portion of a DUI program, you may apply for a restricted license. The restricted license comes with the installation of an ignition interlock device (IID) in your vehicle, an agreement not to drive without an IID, an agreement to to complete a DUI program, the filing of an SR 22 (proof that you carry insurance) and the payment of reissue and restriction fees.

    Third-Time Offenders

    Four or More Offenses

    "Under 21" DUI Conviction

    • California has a zero tolerance policy on underage drinking and bottles image by Valkh from

      If you are pulled over by a police officer, you will be subject to a chemical screening test of some type. If you are under 21 years of age and have a BAC of 0.01 percent or higher, the officer may immediately take your license. Depending on your BAC, the officer may issue a temporary license for 30 days only, after which you will be subject to a one-year license suspension. The Riverside County officer will determine whether to release you, turn you over to juvenile authorities or contact your parents.

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