How to Report Criminals to the Police
- 1). Determine the appropriate agency to contact. Depending on the nature of the crime and the time that's elapsed since it took place, you may have options as to which agency to call. If you're witnessing a crime -- of any nature -- in progress, dial 9-1-1 to reach the local emergency dispatcher. For non-emergencies and to report evidence of a crime that has already occurred, dial 3-1-1 to reach your local non-emergency dispatcher, or call your local police department directly.
- 2). Prepare to offer detailed information regarding the crime and offender. The police will require you to clearly state each and every detail you can about the suspect and what offense was committed. If you have names, addresses or evidence, you must reveal such information to the police so they can accurately complete a report. If you've witnessed a crime committed by an unknown offender, make note of his estimated height, weight, possible ethnicity, any identifying marks -- such as scars or tattoos -- and what he was wearing.
- 3). Obtain a copy of the police report. If you're the victim of a crime, you'll be required to provide the police with your name, address and phone number in order to complete the police report. It's important to retain the report to later obtain any information about whether or not the offender has been caught. In cases of stolen or damaged property, the police report acts as evidence that you're the rightful owner of any recovered goods, or entitled to any applicable insurance.
- 4). Maintain your safety and privacy by reporting criminals anonymously. If you believe that turning in a criminal will put you or your loved ones in potential or immediate danger, you may make a report anonymously. Nationally, you may call three separate numbers to anonymously report crimes related to arson, fraud or drugs; (800) 47-ARSON; (800) US-FRAUD; and (800) 47-DRUGS. To anonymously report criminals of any type, visit to submit an anonymous tip via the Web.