Tips on Improving Credit
- When determining how best to improve your credit score, order a copy of your credit report from each of the three major credit bureaus: TransUnion, Equifax and Experian. By law, you are entitled to one free credit report per year from each bureau. Check your credit report for any errors. These can include accounts that do not belong to you, credit limits that are lower than they should be or debts you've paid that are still listed as paid. If you have any of these, send a letter to the credit bureau clearly stating the incorrect information and documenting any evidence you have to support your claim. Do not send originals in case the mail gets damaged or lost. The credit bureau will investigate and within a month or two you should have a decision as to whether or not your claim was upheld. If it was, the information will be removed from your credit history.
- Your payment history is the biggest factor in determining your credit score as it accounts for 35 percent of the total. This section looks at whether you've paid your creditors as agreed or left a trail of late payments, delinquencies and defaults. Most payment information remains on your account for 7 years except for bankruptcy, which stays on for 10 years, so it will be impossible to raise a poor score to an excellent score overnight. However, recent information is weighted more heavily so by getting your accounts up to date and making on time payments you can begin to improve your credit score. Get as many accounts up to date on their payments as possible so they will be credited as being current on your credit report. If you cannot make your minimum payments, contact your creditor to see if they would be willing to make up a new payment schedule so you can meet your payment obligations.
- If you want to improve your credit score, do not close your old accounts even if you do not owe any money on them nor plan to use them. Closing an account will not remove records from it from your credit report. In addition, even if the account has no balance, it will report you as being current on your payments each month, which improves your payment history. Also, if you close your old accounts, you will reduce your available credit which is detrimental to your credit score because your debt-to-available-credit ratio will go up.