Health & Medical Hypertension

Top 3 Ways To Reduce Blood Pressure In Your Own Backyard!

You've just returned from your annual physical, and your doctor has told you that she's concerned about your blood pressure.
It's not heart-blowing-high, but it's not low, either.
She'd like you to try to lower it by natural means - without resorting to medication quite yet.
But what to do? Get Outdoors! Many people suffer from high blood pressure because of poor diet and high stress.
There are at least three ways, however, that you can improve your blood pressure, right in your own backyard.
Gardening Gardening is proven to be a huge stress-reliever.
Planning out a flower bed, vegetable patch or herb garden takes some brain power - and helps you use up the extra energy you may have from being keyed up from stress at work or home.
Getting down in the dirt, fighting with the weeds and working to improve the soil in order to get it ready to receive your plants gives you a safe, healthy way to work out your frustrations.
Yanking weeds out of the ground - good.
Yanking out your kid's hair for spilling the cereal, again - bad.
Putting in the plants, tending them as they acclimate to the soil and as they grow is a wonderful way to reduce stress.
Even handling the challenges of insects, drought, or invading species can help you reduce the stress you may be dealing with everyday.
Don't let it get to you, though, tending your garden is supposed to help you work out your frustrations and relax! In addition, if you opt for a vegetable or herb garden, you will be improving your diet, which is another reason lots of folks have high blood pressure in the first place.
Eating the fruits of your labor means that you are getting good-quality food to eat, and nothing tastes quite as good as something you've grown yourself.
Exercise People often say they don't exercise because they don't belong to a gym.
Well, you don't really have to - you can get out in your own yard and work out.
If you've got kids, get out with them every day and kick around a soccer ball - toss a football or baseball.
Play monkey-in-the-middle or keep away.
A simple game of hoops or tag will also suffice to get your heart pumping, and you don't need to pay any membership fees! If you don't have any kiddos around to inspire you, try jumping rope, a punching bag, or yoga.
Or get with friends for a quick half-court game.
All of these activities can be done in the privacy of your own yard, and get you outside, breathing fresh air.
Relaxation The best thing your backyard can offer you is the chance to relax.
Some people may not find gardening or exercise relaxing, but curling up with a good book or your favorite magazine under a blue (or starry) sky can be just as beneficial.
Kick back with your spouse, your friend, or yourself by a warm fire on a cool summer night.
Taking time away from your daily routine and taking time for yourself out in the great outdoors will go a long way towards improving your high blood pressure.

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