Health & Medical Diseases & Conditions

The Various Dangerous Health Effects Of Obesity

Many years of study and medical experience have shown how much obesity is detrimental to health. The expenses to society in the US is incredible and draws near several hundred billion dollars every year. Obviously much less is spent for weight loss products and solutions, but it continues to be in the billions annually. So there is apparently a struggle that is being waged for our well being. Of course the food and drink industry does not help things. There is undoubtedly no secret that so many foods contain high sugar and fat content. Obesity frequently causes many health issues, and here are several critical ones.

One of the most serious repercussions of obesity is type 2 diabetes, and more new cases appear each year. More younger individuals in their teen years are chronically overweight, and doctors are witnessing an upward spiral together with type 2 diabetes. The onset of diabetes comes about because study has shown a high correlation between insulin resistance and unhealthy weight. The problem is made much worse with daily consumption of increased amounts of sugar containing goods. For a long time, various alerts have been made about the use of high fructose corn syrup in most soft drinks and other widespread beverages. This mixture is much like very concentrated sugar and can send glucose levels soaring.

Other severe conditions which have been often seen involve destruction of certain joints in the body. Certainly the lower extremeties bear the most stress, and so it makes sense that obese people have hip and knee joint problems. Any time the joints experience so much wear and tear, they will create other severe issues such as arthritis. Unfortunately the most common practice of joint replacement is not necessarily a viable option. People that are not obese can usually have successful joint replacement surgery. Certainly only a doctor can make the final decision for those with substantial weight problems. There are specific risks built in if surgery happens due to the mechanics of the general situation. The joint that had been changed may begin to be mechanically unsound which is highly undesireable.

High blood pressure is a common occurance among those who are obese. It appears that almost every major function in the body is challenged. The basis for this as it pertains to the heart is the excess fat tissue still necessitates blood for nutrition and oxygen. It all leads back to the heart clearly because that is what moves the blood. The simple net effect is to create a condition of higher blood pressure. There is also a rise in the pulse rate as it functions in reaction to all that requirement.

It is extremely apparent that obesity is a condition that seriously impacts all capabilities of the body. There are additional equally threatening problems that can easily be a consequence of an obese condition.

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