Technology Networking & Internet

How to Connect to LimeWire

    • 1). Launch LimeWire and type in your search query in the search window. Press "Enter." If the search does not yield any results, check the connection. To do so, click the "File" button on the top menu and click "Advanced Tools."

    • 2). Click the "Connections" tab. If you see "Connecting" on all the ports under "Host," it means a firewall program is blocking access the Gnutella network LimeWire uses to search for and download files from other users.

    • 3). Add LimeWire to the exceptions list. To do so, click the Windows "Start" button and click the "Control Panel."

    • 4). Click the "Windows Firewall" button and click the "Exceptions" tab. Place a checkmark on LimeWire to prevent the firewall from blocking its connection. If you do not see the Limewire program, click "Add Program" and add the program to the exceptions list. Click "OK" to save the changes and "OK" again to close the firewall window.

    • 5). Place LimeWire on the exceptions list of any other third-party firewall programs (e.g. Norton) you have installed on your computer. This varies depending on the program you have installed; therefore refer to your operating manual to complete this task.

    • 6). Launch LimeWire again. You should be able to connect to it and the Gnutella network to search for and download content.

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