Domestic & Farm Animals : Pets & Animal

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Chicken Coop Kits - A Less Expensive Alternative

Chicken Coop Kits - A Less Expensive Alternative

You may have been thinking that chicken coop kits are the only way to go when setting up a mini home chicken farm. This couldn't be further from the truth, with most kits being ridiculously overpriced and over hyped. This article explains the benefits of building a chicken coop from scratch, an......[Read More]
Raising Chickens For Fun

Raising Chickens For Fun

My friends ask me all the time "Why do you want to raise chickens?" Most of the time it is in the tone of "Are you crazy?" If you are like me, I like to raise them just for the enjoyment of it. The fresh eggs are an added bonus that my family and I enjoy a lot. ......[Read More]
Potbelly Pigs and What You Absolutely Need to Know Before Getting a Potbelly Pig

Potbelly Pigs and What You Absolutely Need to Know Before Getting a Potbelly Pig

The first thing that you should know is that these little guys are in serious need of your help, and that every year many die because of ill-informed owners. The first thing that you need to understand, is that although they are cute, without the proper research an owner will do more harm than good.......[Read More]
Keeping Pigs As a Pet - Is it a Good Idea?

Keeping Pigs As a Pet - Is it a Good Idea?

For most people, keeping pigs in their house is out of the question because of the image they have. However, keeping pigs as pet is possible and could be a pleasant experience as long as you take proper care for the animal. A pot bellied pig is an excellent pet because it doesn't take too much ......[Read More]
Build a Chicken Coop Shed - What You Really Need to Know Before You Start

Build a Chicken Coop Shed - What You Really Need to Know Before You Start

If you've made your mind up that you want to build a chicken coop shed, then you're well on your way to doing something fantastic both for yourself and for the environment! But you should realise that your effort isn't going to produce long lasting results unless you make sure to foll......[Read More]
Building a Chicken House Cheaply

Building a Chicken House Cheaply

Chicken rearing is a one time investment which requires little capital to start, with long term returns. With the rising prices of eggs, chicken rearing has been on an increase all over.......[Read More]
Chicken House Designs - What You Need to Know

Chicken House Designs - What You Need to Know

Chicken house designs are really important for anyone who plans to build their own chicken coop. Check out a short review of the best 2 guides you can get.......[Read More]
Alpaca Fiber - Avoid Chemicals And Allergens Naturally

Alpaca Fiber - Avoid Chemicals And Allergens Naturally

One of the most attractive qualities of Alpaca fiber is that it is naturally hypoallergenic. Unlike sheep, alpaca don't produce lanolin or other exudates that coat their fleece.......[Read More]
Chicken Coop Plans - Style and Size

Chicken Coop Plans - Style and Size

So you're looking for chicken coop plans? Well you are going to have a bunch to choose from.......[Read More]
What Are the Different Types of Ducks? Get to Know Before You Start to Raise Ducks

What Are the Different Types of Ducks? Get to Know Before You Start to Raise Ducks

A lot of people identify ducks as barnyard animals. What many people don't know is that there are different types of ducks that are found in the wild.......[Read More]
4 Proper Pig Nutrition Factors to Keep in Mind If You Want to Raise Healthy Pigs and Avoid Fatality

4 Proper Pig Nutrition Factors to Keep in Mind If You Want to Raise Healthy Pigs and Avoid Fatality

Proper pig nutrition is essential to make sure that your pigs remain healthy. Sick animals will not be suitable for butchering, since the quality of their meat will be suspect. While you might think that you can create pig feed by slopping table scraps and vegetables that have gone bad into a bucket......[Read More]
Keeping Chickens - Make Your Own Chicken Food

Keeping Chickens - Make Your Own Chicken Food

So you are keeping a few chickens and want to make you own food. Chickens, like us, very much appreciate a varied diet and in the wild, the birds will go round eating grains, seeds, bugs, insects and small manuals. So with your home feeding system it is a good idea to let them roam round and pick up......[Read More]
Building a Chicken Coop - Most Important Design Aspects to Consider

Building a Chicken Coop - Most Important Design Aspects to Consider

A chicken coop can cost anywhere between $500 to $700 and sometimes even more. Furthermore, the ones available in the market are fabricated ones and loosely designed. Spending such a big amount on something really ineffective can mean a disaster.......[Read More]
Small Chicken Coops - How to Build a Chicken Coop Myself?

Small Chicken Coops - How to Build a Chicken Coop Myself?

Want to build a chicken coop yourself, but you don't know how? It's not hard to create small chicken coops, you only need some guidance, and that guidance you can get from a chicken house building plan.......[Read More]
How Can Sheep Wormer Prevent Disease in Sheep?

How Can Sheep Wormer Prevent Disease in Sheep?

Sheep, especially lambs, are more susceptible to internal parasites and worms. There are many types of worms that can cause health problems for sheep. However, stomach worms are more serious. They can cause various symptoms, which, if left unattended, can lead to death. Sheep wormer is essential to ......[Read More]
Chicken Coop Designs - 3 Things You Should to Know

Chicken Coop Designs - 3 Things You Should to Know

Picking the right chicken coop design entails a number of both big and small things to consider so as to construct the perfect housing for your fowls. Where as most of the small issues can be taken care of as the need arises, the bigger considerations should be part and core of the whole design.......[Read More]
Raising Turkeys and Chickens Together - Is it Doable?

Raising Turkeys and Chickens Together - Is it Doable?

If you are raising either chickens or turkeys the next logical step would be to raise the turkeys and chickens together but is that a good idea or a bad one? Raising turkeys and chickens together is not a good idea but it can be done with a little bit more work. Why can't you raise turkeys and ......[Read More]
2 Tips to Having a Schedule on a Cattle Ranch

2 Tips to Having a Schedule on a Cattle Ranch

Schedules make everyday life manageable. They set the days stuff that needs to be done. Another reason forschedules are for sports teams, so they can plan games in advance if they're playing home or away. This is true with a cattle ranch. It will be shown that schedules are a must on a cattle r......[Read More]
All About Chickens - The Australorps

All About Chickens - The Australorps

Australorp is smaller, weighing between 6 to 9 pounds, depending on if it's a hen or a rooster. They also differ from Black Jersey Giants in the color of the bottoms of their feet. Jerseys have yellow on their feet, whereas Australorps have a pinkish-white color.......[Read More]
Themed Chicken Coop Ideas

Themed Chicken Coop Ideas

As most people will tell you, a chicken coop is just four walls and a roof. But thank goodness there's no law saying that you can't let you crazy chicken coop ideas run wild on those four walls and roof, right? If you want to take on a fun project to start the year, designing or renovating......[Read More]