Domestic & Farm Animals : Pets & Animal

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Beginner's Guide to Raising Chickens - Get Started on the Right Path in Keeping Healthy Chickens

Beginner's Guide to Raising Chickens - Get Started on the Right Path in Keeping Healthy Chickens

Is this your first time to raise chickens? If yes, then this article is perfect for you. Because you are new with all the chicken requirements and necessities, you must exert great effort to know what they need and how to raise them. Follow this guide to raising chickens and later on, you can get st......[Read More]
Keeping Pigs As Pets - Essential Warnings and Considerations When Rearing Pigs

Keeping Pigs As Pets - Essential Warnings and Considerations When Rearing Pigs

You love keeping pets at home, and as weird as it may sound, you are now looking for resources about keeping pigs as pets. Not so many people would find the idea of keeping pigs as pets amusing. More people got the same old notion for pigs, that these are filthy animals with a foul smell. You, on th......[Read More]
Chicken Coop Construction - What You Need to Know

Chicken Coop Construction - What You Need to Know

Learning correct chicken coop construction is a very basic process that you will use in order to build a proper chicken coop. However, there are certain tips that you should take along with you prior to constructing your chicken coop, and in this article we will be taking a look at these. When build......[Read More]
Chicken Coop Designs - What Are You Afraid Of?

Chicken Coop Designs - What Are You Afraid Of?

When it comes to chicken coop designs, what is concerning you the most? You have never built anything like this before, and you are not sure you can do it yourself.......[Read More]
Building a Chicken Coop - A Great DIY Project

Building a Chicken Coop - A Great DIY Project

If you are interested in raising chickens, you can try building your own chicken coop. It could be one of the most satisfying DIY projects you have ever undertaken. You can build a coop that exactly fits the needs of the breed of chickens you intend to raise. Knowing that your birds have a place wel......[Read More]
Chicken Runs - A Breath of Fresh Air

Chicken Runs - A Breath of Fresh Air

Are you wondering if chicken runs are right for your hens? Chicken runs are a source of wholesome, clean breathing air, and they allow your chickens to roam, scratch, and socialize with the rest of your flock during the day.......[Read More]
Sheep Wormer To Worm Out The Worms!

Sheep Wormer To Worm Out The Worms!

Sheep and many other cattle are susceptible to worms and parasites which can make them sick. Effective worming can reduce the danger of worms and keep sheep healthy for long.......[Read More]
Location, Location, Location - Build Your Own Chicken House on the Right Site!

Location, Location, Location - Build Your Own Chicken House on the Right Site!

Your success as a chicken farmer depends on so many things and where you decide to put your chicken coop is one of the biggies. When you choose to build your own chicken house the very first thing that you should think of is the site that it will go on. There are 3 essential things that you should t......[Read More]
Essentials of Chicken Houses and Runs

Essentials of Chicken Houses and Runs

Chicken houses and runs are the most important part of owning a flock of poultry. Providing chicken huts that will keep your feathered friends from being assaulted by the inclement weather, is a major part in keeping your birds healthy.......[Read More]
Poultry Keeping is Booming

Poultry Keeping is Booming

One of the reasons for this rise in popularity stems from the fact that people have realized that they need to become more curious as to how their food is produced. Added to this is the growing awareness of the large distances most food has traveled to reach our plates.......[Read More]
Raising Chickens at Home - Waiting For the First Egg

Raising Chickens at Home - Waiting For the First Egg

I guess it's a curse to know what a farm fresh egg actually tastes like.With that thought in mind we decided on raising chickens at home so we can have fresh brown eggs whenever we want.The problem:waiting for the first egg.......[Read More]
How to Halter Break an Angus Heifer

How to Halter Break an Angus Heifer

Halter breaking an Angus heifer to lead is a process that begins months prior to actually entering the show ring with a successfully trained animal. You'll want to begin halter breaking your heifer about six weeks prior to the time you plan to show her in the ring.......[Read More]
Hen-House Design

Hen-House Design

Small hen-houses with capacities ranging from six to thirty birds are ideal for the small producer. They should be designed to give maximum protection to the bird, winter and summer alike.......[Read More]
Chicken Feed - How Much Should You Feed Your Chickens?

Chicken Feed - How Much Should You Feed Your Chickens?

How much should you feed your chickens to keep them happy and healthy? The exact amount depends on the type of chickens you have, the size of the chicken and their temperament. For example, a bantam will not eat the same as a large rooster.......[Read More]
Chicken House Plans - 5 Reasons Why Location Matters

Chicken House Plans - 5 Reasons Why Location Matters

You have your chicken house plans, your materials and your tools and are ready to start building. But are you building in the right location? Just as in real estate, location is very important to the success of your chicken house.......[Read More]
Build a Backyard Chicken Coop - Are You Looking For Some Good DIY Plans?

Build a Backyard Chicken Coop - Are You Looking For Some Good DIY Plans?

Are you a do-it-yourselfer? If you are, here are some good plans so that you can build a backyard chicken coop.......[Read More]
Some Fast Tips For Chicken Coop Building

Some Fast Tips For Chicken Coop Building

If you want to get into having chickens and all their benefits, then you need some fast tips for chicken coop building. What are the benefits? Why eggs of course. Plus they're a great way to get rid of your food scraps. They love fruit and vegetable scraps, and they do well on them. They also p......[Read More]
Waterers - Non-Electric is the Safe and Affordable Choice

Waterers - Non-Electric is the Safe and Affordable Choice

There is a lot of talk going on about the use of electric automatic waterers and what it costs to run them. Also, there is actually a much safer and better way to get water to your animals. There is no reason to be wasting all of your electricity just to water your animals when it's so much eas......[Read More]
Quick Checklist for Your Chicken Coop Plans

Quick Checklist for Your Chicken Coop Plans

Make sure you have the information and supplies you need before starting to build your own chicken coop. This article provides you with three basic guidelines you can use to make sure you headed in the right direction. Learn how it can save you time and money in the long run.......[Read More]
Tips on How to Keep Chickens in the Backyard

Tips on How to Keep Chickens in the Backyard

Raising chickens in the backyard has many economic benefits. These include selling eggs, selling chicken meat, eating the eggs and the meat, thereby saving money on shopping for food, saving on manure by using chicken droppings that are very rich in nitrogen, selling the manure if you do not have a ......[Read More]