Buy a Chicken Coop - 8 Tips to Consider Before Buying a Coop
Since you've decided to care for chickens, you need to buy a chicken coop. In fact, the coop is headquarters for your entire chicken raising enterprise. But before you go buying a coop, discover the options and factors that you'll need to consider.......[Read More]
Where to Find Plans For Your Chicken Coop Project
Spending a weekend doing projects is more than just a way to pass the idle hours. You can make it productive and exciting by using your hands to build something that would benefit you. A good idea would be to build your own chicken coop so that you will be able to raise your own livestock and get fr......[Read More]
How to Keep Chicken Coops Warm
Backyard chicken raising is steadily gaining favor even in urban areas. People decide to raise chickens for several reasons; some do it to have meat, eggs and garden fertilizer. Others do it to ensure their own supply of free-range organic eggs, while some use it as a source of supplemental income.......[Read More]
Portable Chicken Coops - Are They All Really Portable?
Any chicken coop can be made portable by simply adding wheels to the base. Many of these portable chicken coops that are advertised both in print and on the internet are just that a chicken coop with wheels and some type of handle to push or pull the coop. The simplest of portable chicken coops have......[Read More]
So You'd Like to Build a Chicken Coop?
So you fancy the idea of fresh, great-tasting eggs in the morning and the sound of chickens scrabbling away in your back yard as you sit on the porch? One of the hottest trends in the pursuit of sustainable living, many people are rolling up their sleeves, buying a Build a Chicken Coop kit online an......[Read More]
An Herbal Salve For Wounds on Chickens
Have you ever heard the term "hen-pecked"? If you've ever been around a flock of chickens, you know what it means. Chickens (and baby chicks too), are relentless in pecking at bugs, grubs and other insects. But they also go after anything with blood, including another of their own kin......[Read More]
Build Backyard Chicken Coop on a Budget
A process to having that dream chicken coop, this article will will guide you through the necessary steps to build backyard chicken coop well within your price range and to you specific requirements......[Read More]
Build A Chicken Coop - Some Good Reasons Why
When someone decides to build a chicken coop and raise chickens, there are usually a number of reasons behind that decision. For someone like myself, who grew up on a farm in Montana, it would be the sense of having a little bit of the farm experience again and bringing back some of the joys of my e......[Read More]
Hen House Maintenance
The biggest maintenance job you will have with your hen house is cleaning it out. You should aim to do this at least once a year. If at all possible you should do this on a hot summers day, this will mean the hen house will dry out really quickly.......[Read More]
Cattle Farming - The Benefits of Raising Cattle
Benefits or raising cattle range from the pride felt of raising the animals to the however-controversial environmental improvements associated with raising cattle. Various people have various views in what sort of benefits come with raising cattle, though I hope to touch base with most in this artic......[Read More]
Get a Continual Flow of Freshly Produced Free Healthy Eggs by Raising Laying Chickens at Home
Raising laying chickens can be much easier than you might think and to be able to enjoy fresh healthy free range eggs from your own hens is something everyone should be able to experience. There is nothing quite like the taste of your very own free range eggs and they will taste all the more special......[Read More]
I'm Ready To Raise Chickens - What Do I Need To Know?
If you are one of many Americans looking to become more self-sufficient, having a few chickens can become a very healthy and happy project. There are many resources available and I'm writing this article to give you encouragement to go ahead with your dream project.......[Read More]
How to Keep Your Chickens Happy in the Winter
Here in the Northeast we have had one heck of a winter so far this year. Multiple snow storms, continuous below zero temperatures and ice storms to boot have made caring for our chickens a little more work than usual. We keep four golden Comet sex-links hens for our grand kids to care for for 4H and......[Read More]
Using the Correct Plans For Your Chicken Coop Avoids the Need For Professional Help
Even though you may not require any type of professional help in building your chicken coop you still want to be sure that your plans are well thought out and carefully checked prior to beginning. Even the smallest mistake can create a big problem if it is not caught in time.......[Read More]
Grow Your Own Food Even If You Don't Have Time Or The Resources To
In the modern world, it seems people have filled their schedules to the point that they don't have time to do a lot of the things they would like. For many people, this includes growing their own food. Gardening takes a lot of commitment of time and work. But there is a way to grow your own foo......[Read More]
How to Build a Chicken House - Choosing the Land Correctly
If you want to build a chicken house, the place you choose to build it on will be critical to your success. Many people make the mistake of just opting for an old place in their yard, which later on causes them a number of headaches. ......[Read More]
Choosing the Ideal Rabbit Hutch for Your Pet
More and more people are discovering just how wonderful rabbits are as an alternative to cats and dogs as pets. There are several rabbit breeds available that make excellent pets since they are quiet, can be litter box trained, and can be easily cared for since they prefer to be clean.......[Read More]
How to Start a Chicken Coop
If you are wondering how to start a chicken coop, these techniques will lead you to your goal. Do you think it will take weeks to build a chicken coop? You might want to rethink that. With the right tips, you can accomplish your goal in a few days with great success.......[Read More]
Chicken Housing - 4 Must Read Tips Before You Build Your Chicken Coop
People raise chickens for many different reasons. Some are show birds; other more commercial entities raise chickens for their meat whilst others keep chickens for their eggs and their pure entertainment!......[Read More]
Build a Simple Chicken Coop - Chickens Make Great Pets!
Having a simple chicken coop in your backyard is fun and easy. Chickens make great pets and they give something back.......[Read More]