Cure For Herpes - Finding a Cure For Herpes
There have been miraculous advances in the medical field over the years. The more we learn about the human body the more we can resolve illnesses and infections that occur. There is still so much that we don't know about viruses though and various diseases such as cancer. A very destructive typ......[Read More]
Sexual Conditions Medical Reference
Find all medical reference articles on Sexual Conditions at WebMD.......[Read More]
Abuse: Signs of Abuse-Related Injuries-Topic Overview
Most injuries are not caused by abuse. But bruises are often the first sign of possible abuse. Suspect physical abuse of a child or vulnerable adult when: Any injury cannot be explained or does not match the explanation. Repeated injuries occur. Explanations change for how the injury happened. You m......[Read More]
Breast Pain in Women
Breast pain will occur more in younger females than it does in the older age group. It is common amongst those who still experience a monthly menstrual cycle. Pain can be in either one or even both breasts. It is likely that the pain will go away on its own with time.......[Read More]
Within a Family, Prostate Cancer Often Shrouded in Silence
Study Finds Little Husband-Wife Communication About Feelings......[Read More]
Condoms and STD Safety
You may not realize it, but a condom could actually preserve your life. Statistics show that Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs) are a widespread problem throughout the world. In the United States alone, approximately 12 million people are affected by STDs yearly. The cold hard facts are that there......[Read More]
Sexual Problems in Women-Medications
Because a woman's sexuality encompasses physical, emotional, and psychological factors, the causes of sexual problems are often complex and interrelated. Medications may be used in treating certain conditions that contribute to sexual problems.......[Read More]
What No One Tells You About Pregnancy Tests
When can you take a pregnancy test? Are they truly 99% accurate? Also, learn about the best and worst days to take a test, and which test is the best.......[Read More]
Genital Warts Test is Essential Before Taking on Any Treatment
Many people rush to the pharmacist even when they suspect any disease. In most of the cases, taking any medicine without consulting a physician proves harmful. In the case of genital warts, test is essential to make sure that you have it before proceeding for a treatment.......[Read More]
Vaginal Gel Blocks HIV, Herpes
A vaginal gel has strong HIV- and herpes-blocking action even an hour after use.......[Read More]
Pain, Social Rejection Have Similar Effect on Brain
ction really does hurt. That’s the message of a new study that suggests physical pain and the pain of rejection may “hurt” in the same way.......[Read More]
Prostate Cancer
This excellent article summarizes current information about the testing for and treatment of prostate cancer.......[Read More]
HIV Testing
Find WebMD's comprehensive coverage of HIV testing including medical reference, news, pictures, videos, and more.......[Read More]
Virus Linked to Prostate Cancer
A virus may be responsible for some prostate cancers and hold clues to the cause of the deadly disease, according to a new study.......[Read More]
Genital Wart Cures in Your Home - Organic Treatments
Don't fall for scams on websites saying they have the genital wart cures. There is no thing, but there are plenty of ways to treat them for free or at least inexpensively. It's all practically effortless also.......[Read More]
Why is There No Cure For Genital Warts?
Millions of people around the world have genital warts.They are extremely contagious and easily passed from partner to partner during sexual contact.As of today, there is no known cure.However, the good news is, many times the HPV, (cause of genital warts), goes away on its own.......[Read More]
Dating and Living With Herpes - Tips to Make Your Life Easier
Living with herpes isn't easy. But, there are some strategies for living a more comfortable life. This includes day to day hygiene as well as interaction with your friends, family, co-workers and other people you come in contact with on a daily basis.......[Read More]
Charting Cervical Mucus for Pregnancy
Throughout your menstrual cycle, your cervical mucus will change in its amount, appearance, and consistency. Tracking these changes can help you time sex for pregnancy, and may help you pinpoint ovulation. Learn more about charting your cervical mucus changes here.......[Read More]
Gonorrhea, Syphilis and Other Sexually Transmitted Diseases
Sexually transmitted diseases (venereal diseases) are infections that are contracted through intimate sexual contact. Once established, sexually transmitted diseases such as gonorrhea and syphilis can spread and cause extensive, serious physical damage. It is important to make a doctor's appoin......[Read More]
What Is a Fetish?
Just because your partner likes to see you in sexy high heels doesn’t mean he has a fetish. Fetishes can be part of a healthy sex life, but they can also be the signs of a sexual disorder, experts tell WebMD.......[Read More]