Buying A New Puppy - What All Good Dog Breeders Should Ask You Before You Buy a Puppy
A good dog breeder should care about where their puppies are homed.They should therefore, be asking you as many questions as you ask them when looking to buy a puppy.Don not be offended by these questions, and expect to be asked them, and if you are asked lots of questions it shows the dog breeders ......[Read More]
The Use of Structural Design and Planning in a Dog House
Dog houses are nothing new and unique. In American history we can easily see various houses that are especially designed for pet dogs. These houses were carefully planned with several important features that were required by a dog. ......[Read More]
Puppy Training Techniques - Teaching the Command to Come
The command to come is probably the most important obedience command you can ever teach your puppy. Not only for his or her safety but this can give you a feeling of trust in your puppy and gives your puppy more freedom to run.......[Read More]
My Aggressive Puppy Won't Stop Biting
Aggressive puppies can be a big problem, especially when the behavior results in endangering children, furniture or your peace of mind. Puppies that continue to chew and bite are typically growing new teeth or experiencing sudden bursts of energy. Whereas this is perfectly normal, you can prevent pu......[Read More]
7 Essential Tips on House Training a Puppy
There are probably very few things that compare to the joy of bringing home a new puppy. But you should also understand that among the most important parts of dog ownership and care is to house train your puppy. Fortunately, house training your puppy need not be the worrisome task that most new owne......[Read More]
Disciplining Your Puppy Shows You Love Your Puppy
Nobody wants to have to discipline their little puppy. This adorable little pup is just looking up at you when it makes a mistake with a little face that makes you just want to hug the little thing. You may look into his eyes and think that you won't have the heart to discipline him. ......[Read More]
Children, Dogs & Westies
Children and dogs go great together. Not only is it an added layer of companionship for both parties, but it creates lasting lifelong memories that your children will always have. It's also great to introduce small responsibilities at a young age as it will work in good routines and concepts fo......[Read More]
How to Make Beef Jerky for a Dog
Beef jerky strips available at your grocery store are pretty expensive and can be loaded with preservatives. Consider making your own beef jerky for your dog that you can guarantee to be fresh and free of harmful ingredients. Making beef jerky is a simple procedure, but the jerky strips require a lo......[Read More]
How to Stop a Dog From Barking
Finding the right way to stop a dog from barking can be a little challenging, but with some patience and perseverance, it's easy to teach your dog to stop barking on command. Unfortunately, too many people give up trying to stop a dog from barking before their dog has learned the lesson and the......[Read More]
Potty Training a Dog Worry and Hassle Free
Dogs are one of the best animals to live with. Since time immemorial, dogs have been beside us and have made the perfect companion for any household. While the delights of having a dog as a pet are seemingly boundless, its inability to use the toilet have long scourged many dog owners. When a dog st......[Read More]
What Are the Number One Rated Dogs in the USA?
Dogs were the first animals to become domesticated. Early dogs chose to associate with humans and eventually came to bond with their human companions to the mutual benefit of both species. Since then, humans have continued to breed dogs to fit different specifications. Some dogs are bred for hunting......[Read More]
How to Trim a Puppy's Toenails With PediPaws
Your puppy may not calmly sit still while you cut its toenails with a set of clippers. PediPaws offers an alternative that uses rough sandpaper to slowly file the nails down. This is a safer alternative as cutting nails too far back can hit nerves and cause pain to your puppy. Grab some treats to oc......[Read More]
Yorkie Terrier Dog Coughing - A Battle of Collapsing Trachea
When your Yorkie begins to cough, you hope that it's only a passing throat irritant. The fear that strikes your heart comes from a diagnosis of collapsing trachea, because there really is no cure and the best that you can do for your Yorkie is to try and keep him as comfortable as possible.......[Read More]
Ms. Tootsie Belle
Yorkshire Terriers, commonly called “Yorkies” are little dogs with big personality. Though categorized in the toy group, they take on many terrier traits as well – especially in personality. Check out this Yorkshire Terrier photo gallery full of cute pictures of the Yorkie dog breed.......[Read More]
Tips on How to Raise a Puppy at Home
Living with a dog has been noted to help relieve stress and lower blood pressure, according to WebMD. A dog can benefit a person in many ways. The dog can accompany a family member on jogs, entertain the elderly and play with the children. However, you will have to go through the sometimes arduous t......[Read More]
Dog Training Tip - A Very Simple Method to Stop Your Dog From Peeing on the Floor
How to stop your dog from peeing on the floor has been a question that have been asked many times but seems to never get answered. This problem can quickly turn one of the happiest times in your life when you get your new addition to the family to great regret.......[Read More]
Purchasing the Perfect Dog Coat Outfit for This Christmas
With Christmas just a few days ahead, every one is excited to receive presents especially your pooch. Find out about purchasing the perfect dog coat outfit for this Christmas.......[Read More]
July 4th and Our Pets
I know my little 'grandpuppy' Kate is very afraid the storms.She gets agitated and wants to run and hide.The first time there was thunder she went and got in her crate.......[Read More]
Practical Crate Training - A Necessary Step
House training your dog is one of the hardest things you can do. Now you have selected a coaching methodology, it is important to deal with this precise area of dog coaching also. Taking advantage of crate training is crucial, as it can be satisfactory way to coach.......[Read More]
Dog Health Problems Tips
One of the common dog health problems is diet disorders where their food intake is giving problems to their health. Most of these disorders can be treated but it is important to prevent them so that it will not get worse. For a guide to pet owners, here are some of the diet related disorders found i......[Read More]