Home & Garden Architecture

How to Put a Glaze Finish on Maple Kitchen Cabinets

    • 1). Clean the cabinets to remove grease and dirt build up. Add a few drops of dish soap into a bucket of warm water. Use a soft bristle brush to scour the cabinets. Use a cotton swab to clean corners of molding and hard-to-reach crevices.

    • 2). Mix together dark brown or black latex paint with clear glaze in an empty bucket. Combine both components based on a one-to-one ratio. Stir the glaze mixture well with a paint stick.

    • 3). Dip a chip brush into the glaze. Spread the glaze onto all areas where you would like the glaze to settle such as corners of cabinets, trim and molding. While still wet, wipe the glaze off using light pressure with a cotton rag. The remaining glaze will settle into the nooks and crevices of the cabinets. Add more glaze if some spots were missed. Wait 24 hours for the glaze to dry.

    • 4). Ensure the glaze stays in place for years to come. Pour a water-based clear polyurethane into a paint tray. Use a mini roller and paint the surface of the kitchen cabinets. Paint in the direction of the maple wood grain. The entire surface must be painted for an even sheen. Use a small artisan brush for hard-to-reach areas.

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