Health & Medical sports & Exercise

5 Easy Exercises to Do Without Weights

People searching the web for workouts without weights many times are looking for a simple home workout.
Most people looking for something simple to do are interested in fitness at home.
However, they are not interested in do a lot of exercises.
The reason they are looking for something simple without weights is because they want the satisfaction of knowing the they have had a good workout but still have time to go and hangout.
A good home fitness exercise program will have a few things built into the routine.
1) It will be simple to do.
That means no, or vary few, moving parts.
2) All exercises will be complimentary.
This means that for every body part you workout, you will have a corresponding exercise to hit the antagonist.
This will ensure that no one particular body part is overtrained.
3) It can be accomplished in a very short duration of time.
In this article, I would like to outline a workout routine for beginners at home.
It is by no means exhaustive.
But, it will give you the 5 easiest exercises to do at home to workout without weights.
1) Inclined Rows.
This is an excellent back and arm movement.
What you do is to lay on your back under the dining table.
Position yourself so that you are able to reach up and grasp the edge of the table.
From here, you are just going to pull your chest toward the dining table.
This is similar to a pull up but is a lot simpler to do.
2) Push Ups.
You can use the floor or a good set of push up handle to do this particular movement.
You don't have to get fancy.
This is your typical push up.
There are so many different variations that you can use.
I would suggest not worrying about the variations yet, however.
You need to just build the routine of doing the exercise.
3) Abdominal Crunches.
This movement should also be pretty familiar to you also.
It's a basic movement but can be varied by doing reverse and side crunches.
Your abdominals will get a good workout with these.
These will work on your core muscles and tighten up your waistline.
4) Air Squats.
Position yourself in front of a firm chair and gently and deliberately lower your rear end toward the chair.
I like to tell my clients to "place your butt" in the chair and not fall into the chair.
You should be able to focus on this movement and target the quads and butt muscles.
5) Running/Walking stairs.
This last exercise is an aerobic one.
It is so important that you get your heart rate up during some part of the day.
A favorite fitness website I read encourages it's readers to sprint up to 100 yards for several sets.
You are supposed to do this at least 1 time a week.
2-3 times would be preferable.
There you have it.
The 5 essential exercises for a workout without weights.

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