Health & Medical Hemorrhoids

Cure For Hemorrhoids

Many people search for answers and products that will help heal and cure.
Hemorrhoids are the swelling and inflammation of veins in the rectum and anus, which is caused by pressure on pelvic area.
Main cause of hemorrhoids is due to constipation, it causes you to strain during your bowel movement, therefore puts pressure on veins in anal area, and if one persists this, than he or she will most likely develop hemorrhoids.
  Symptoms of Hemorrhoids include; irritation, swelling, pain, bleeding and itching.
Bleeding hemorrhoids occurs if the weakened veins burst, resulting in the presence of blood during and after bowel movements.
However, it is important to note that blood in your stool can be a sign of a serious medical condition and should be brought to trained medical professional immediately.
Prolonging this condition might only make matters worse and bring forth 2 serious conditions such as; prolapsed and strangulated hemorrhoids.
  Prolapsed hemorrhoids are usually when one strains to pass constipated feces (waste from digestive tract) therefore causing the swollen hemorrhoids to be pushed out of the anal canal.
The Prolapsed hemorrhoids have 2nd, 3rd and 4thdegrees, 4th degree is the worse and always requires medical help.
However, even prolapsed hemorrhoids can be prevented by proper diet.
Drinking more fluids, eating more dietary fibers (such as cereal, vegetables, and fruits) exercising, practicing better posture, and reducing bowel movement strain and time.
Strangulated hemorrhoids are when the blood supply to the hemorrhoid is suddenly cut off, it then causes the pile (hemorrhoid) to be strangulated, causing blood clot to develop, therefore, causing a complication called thrombosed hemorrhoid, which is very painful.
FACTS: It is estimated that most Americans, both male and female will experience hemorrhoids at least once in their lives.
While people over age 40 are most likely to develop hemorrhoids, it does not exclude anyone of being the sufferer of hemorrhoids; everyone is vulnerable.
Many women experience hemorrhoids during pregnancy and childbirth, and over-exercise, heredity, and other rectal conditions such as Candida (excessive yeast in the bowels) are know to cause hemorrhoids.
Pregnant women can get hemorrhoids during the last 6 months of their pregnancy, because of increased pressure on their blood vessels in pelvic area.

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