Family & Relationships Weddings

How Much to Spend on an Engagement Gift


    • The easiest way to determine how much to spend on the engagement gift is using a percentage formula. First off, you'll need to decide on how much you will spend on all of the wedding gifts combined. This includes the engagement gift, any shower gifts and of course the actual wedding gift. If you will be attending the engagement party, one bridal shower and the wedding, dictate a set percentage of your total gift for each event. The wedding should receive sixty percent since it is the "main" event. Then, split the difference for the shower and engagement gifts. This would mean twenty percent of your gift budget should be used on the engagement gift. If your budget is one hundred dollars total, the engagement gift should cost roughly twenty dollars. For a budget of three hundred dollars, the engagement gift would be sixty dollars.

    Your Personal Finances

    • Before purchasing any gifts, take a look at your own finances. Do not spend an amount on any gift that will cause you to skip a meal or make it impossible to pay one of your bills. If you can only spare fifteen dollars, find something on their registry for fifteen dollars. Make an album, gather recipes, set up a wedding site or find a way to give them a gift using your natural talents and knowledge. Chances are, they will appreciate this more than any monetary gift, especially if it would put you out to give more.

    Your Relationship

    • Another consideration is your relationship with the couple. For a co-worker that you aren't particularly close to, spend what you're comfortable spending but don't go overboard. Using this scenario, an expensive gift of over fifty dollars is out of place no matter what your disposable income is.

      If it's your best friend or a close family member, spend as much as you want to, within reason. It's best to determine what you would like to give as a gift than to let money rule that decision. For instance, if you know they are just starting out and need basically everything, give them a new set of pots and pans if you can afford it. On the other hand, a nice frame, handmade throw or album would be just as appreciated.

      Basically, the closer you are to the couple means you can, and should, give more.

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