Technology Networking & Internet

Open the File Manager

Open the File Manager

Log in to your hosting service and find the File Manager. Then click on the link for the HTML editor. Some of the hosting services may not have a separate link for the HTML editor. For instance, Geocities HTML editor is part of the File Manager.

Open HTML Editor and File Manager

Open the HTML screens on both your File Manager and your HMTL editor.

Copy HTML Code

Open the HTML editor on your computer. In your HTML editor open the HTML Web page that you want to move into the file manager on your hosting service. Highlight the whole code. An easy way to do this is to right click on the code with your mouse and then click on "Select All" in the menu that pops up. Again right click on the HTML code and this time choose "Copy" from the pop up menu.

If there's anything in the HTML screen on the File Manager you should delete it before you paste your new code. To do this you can either highlight the whole screen and hit the delete button or you can right click with your mouse, click "Select All" from the menu and then hit the delete button on your keyboard.
Now right click on the empty HTML screen and click on "Paste" in the pop up menu. Your HTML code will appear in the screen.

Click on the "Save As" button to save your Web page. You will need to give your Web page a name. If you are moving your Web pages here from another site you may want to use the same name that you used on your other site. This way you won't need to change link codes, changing link codes causes broken links and creates a lot of work for you.
After you have uploaded all pages for your Web site you will want to go through them all and make sure you don't have any broken links in your navigation so people can still find your other Web pages.

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