Society & Culture & Entertainment Music

Music is an Art and a Science - But Mostly It"s About Emotion

They say that music is both an art and a science and for the most part that is really true.
There are more mathematical elements to music than just about any other art form.
It is systematic, exact and yet, when you listen to it, it, is pleasing and flowing and appears not to be mathematical in nature at all.
Still, music is mostly about emotion, it is the emotion in the human mind that the music or the lyrics ignite.
Without the emotional content music would be interesting, but it could never be great.
In a recent work, "This Is Your Brain on Music," the author noted that all too often critics of orchestras will go into detail about the mechanics of the music, the tonal value, or how the artist performed a "B-sharp" on a certain note that clearly would have been better as a "B-minor" and that the director, or the writer of the classical piece made an error.
The critic would then go on and on, about this, that, and the other thing, and all that is equal to some crazy notion that therefore the producers, writers, and performers of such music were unfit and unqualified to play in New York City.
Of course, anybody who loves music and was viewing the performance or reading the critic's review was thinking to themselves; "What?" You see, the people in the audience didn't care about any of that, they cared that the music moved them emotionally, that's all they really cared about.
From this we can take away that although music is mathematical and exact, and although it is an art, all we really care about it is its emotional value to us.
I want you to really think about how the music moves you.
That's what really matters to the human mind.

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