Business & Finance Entrepreneurs

HR Challenges: Preparing Leader for Your Organization

Leadership practice has always been an interesting topic. Leadership effectiveness is believed to have a significant impact for an organization success. Indeed, the crisis of leadership occurs everywhere and in every time.

The fact that not everyone can be a leader. Ram Charan as confirmed in the book Leaders at all levels (John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2008) makes the search leader is a never-ending task. Because of the demands of responsibility, a leader behavior is naturally different from everyone else. Therefore, the HR department must always sharpen observation skills to find candidates with the talents of a leader and then, must have clear program to develop potential leader become the true leader by management leadership training.

The good news, we actually never lacked raw talent. Quality of raw talent can be enhanced through education and experience in the real world of work. The main error in finding a leader is that we always want to find the perfect leader. Is it possible? Certainly like to find a needle in a haystack. In fact, there is no perfect leader, every talent has weaknesses and strengths of each. And in every phase of business development of the characters turned out to require different leaders. With his experience so far, Paul BWS, a management guru, defines seven types of characters that is a leader: Dreamer, Architect, Builder, Sharper, Inventor, Harvester, and Operator.


Dreamer is the type of leaders who focus on the future, always a visionary and long-term approach, has many creative and innovative ideas. The characteristics of this type is the favorite words such as: the future, the vision, mission, investment, innovation, new things to be done.Type


Architect is a leader who can make a clear blue print, the road map, flowchart and phase transformations in a company. The approach phase by phase. The words that he likes such as frameworks, blue print, a phase, dimensional.


Type Builder can execute the plan well and very detailed attention to the progress in each phase.He will examine every detail to find possible speed the process. Her favorite words like activity plan, the control points, resources, budget, delivery, quality, action.


Sharper type efektifivitas and clever improve efficiency in internal business processes and build systems to better satisfy customers thus increasing their competitiveness. CRM, SCM, MCM is some word that he liked and he also likes to implement new tools-tools such as TQM, BSC and six sigma.


Inventor has the ability to capture opportunities in the future. Always have new ideas to be implemented in the marketplace, to win the competition, and close the deal. The words that he liked: fight, negotiate, close the deal, do it now, discounted, package deal.


Harvester knitting new horizons in the company, seeking a second S curve, the ability to change the direction of the company with the support of all subordinates. How to recognize this type is that they often say changing the rules of the game, new Ways of doing New Things, new product, new projects.


Last type, operators working on goals and targets that have been determined. Manage and administer resources and teams with details. They like to say KPIs, targets, goals, review, outlook, corrective action, form, SOP.

Which type are you? Hopefully you are the type of leader who according to his. And HR tasks are to identify this talent early and accurately as possible. The important thing to realize is that in reality there is no ideal type of leader. The ideal leader is a leader who is able to adjust the leadership style with the environment demand. So, except enrich by business management knowledge, potential leader

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