Business & Finance Entrepreneurs

Making the Most of a Conference

So your boss has sent you off to a leadership conference? Are you simply looking forward to eating lots of free hotel food and socialising at the cocktail party? Or do you want to listen to the speakers and learn from their experiences in your industry? A conference can be a great place to network, learn and discuss new techniques, trends and technology, and of course, have a great time. If you want to get the most out of a conference, here are some tips for you.

Arrive Early

When attending a conference, it can be a good idea to arrive early to the conference venue so you can walk around and learn where the different rooms, the stairs and lifts, the lunch room, and the other amenities are located. This means when the conference begins, you're not nervous about not knowing where anything is, and you can actually help other people who look lost. A great way to strike up conversation, yes?

Ask Questions

At the end of a talk, the speaker usually asks if there are any questions. Don't be shy – if you've got a burning question or want their opinion on a particular topic, simply ask them. Don't waste the opportunity by wondering if asking a question makes you look stupid – it doesn't, it shows people you're engaged and thinking about the topic.

Easy on the alcohol

I know the promise of unlimited free booze can be tempting, but remember these people are important individuals in your industry, and you don't want their lasting impression of you to be "that girl dancing on the CEO's table." Stick to orange juice or non-alcoholic cocktails, instead.

Introduce Yourself

When speakers attend conferences, they expect to be bombarded with endless questions and discussions in the halls and at lunch. They're usually personable and eager to chat about their platform or topic, so don't be afraid to go up and introduce yourself – they might be celebrities in your field, but they're still human!

Record workshops and panels.

If you're allowed to carry a voice recorder, this can be a much better way of retaining information from a conference than writing notes.

Remember, attending a conference is a great opportunity to network and learn – don't waste your chance!

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