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Ladies, How To Get The Relationship You Want: Catch Him, Keep Him By Christian Carter

I have read many relationship books over the years. Everything from "Men are From Mars, Women are From Venus" by John Grey, to Beverly DeAngelo. Rather hard to take relationship advice from someone who has been married five times. At least she knows what doesn't work.
I'll be honest. I really didn't understand them either, although I did try. That doesn't mean they were helpful. On some deeper level, I think that I may have absorbed some of the information because over the years, I've improved my relationships with others, but I've just never found that guy that was right for me.
Some wise person once said that the secret to "finding the right person is to be the right person." Sage advice. That is exactly what this book will do for you. It will teach you everything you need to know about men and understanding the way they communicate so that you not only find the right guy for you, but you can connect with him on every level so that you get exactly what you want out of your relationship.
One important thing that this book will make you do is discover just what type of man you are attracting into your life. If you're attracting the wrong type of man, then it will show you what to do to stop it. One thing it did for me was show me that I had found the right man. What I needed to do was learn how to communicate with him in a healthy way that he understood, as well as draw him out of his shell because he was as frustrated with the whole relationship thing as I am. That helped so much we are communicating better and better, and the more we get to know each other the more I realize that not only do I like this guy as a man, but I also like him as a person, and he's definitely someone I want to spend time with.
Another thing that I found to be helpful and liberating is that it's OK for me to be a woman. I don't always have to be so tough and strong. The time will come when I need to depend on this man and be vulnerable with him. Now I can do that. I can allow him to see the real me, and not only will he not run away, but I won't run away either.
This book will also teach you how to become the kind of woman men want to be with. It's not about changing who you are. It's about changing what you do that sabotages your relationships in the first place. If you're looking for a book to show you how to change him, this is not the book for you. You can't change him anyway. This is about changing you and getting rid of all the things that have been holding you back in relationships so that you attract the right guy, someone who will return your feeling and connect with you.
This book has tons of exercises you can do to find out where you are in your relationships as well as what behaviors you may be engaging in that may be sabotaging your efforts. If you really want to know if you're in the right relationship with the right guy, then this book will show you. It will also show you how to turn him on and keep turning him on, as well as take your relationship to a deeper level.
I'll be honest. I have read a lot of books on relationships, but nothing like this. I'll read my notes over and over until I absorb every detail. It really is that good, and honestly, it's the best relationship book I've ever read.
If you want to find the right relationship, then be the right partner. You will find the right guy, and you'll have the relationship you deserve. This book is a must read.

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