Become A Better Developer Of Wordpress In 10 Easy Steps
Short Codes: Understanding these can help you improve your themes. Using simple short codes instead of the complicated codes to a page or post that you make use of themes easier for your users.
Conditional statements of WordPress - it can improve the appearance of your website tremendously. Rather than simply act as a normal blog, WordPress conditional statements make your site look very attractive. All you need is a little knowledge and hacking code to get the amazing effect you want. If you know PHP, it will be easy for you to understand the related items.
Streamline -Theme development might take half the time it takes now, if you can simplify your development. To begin, download the false messages that someone has created. Better yet, create your own message of fiction that can instantly upload the file to WordPress. Once you have all the messages you need, click Box Tools / Export from the WordPress admin page and export of their messages. For future use, the burden of these messages in a new test installation of WordPress will be easier through the tools of choice sidebar / Import.
You can also create your own, under the theme, which will give you a good foundation to build your own custom wordpress themes. Known only the header, footer, navigation, sidebar, etc. so you can edit quickly and easily.
Widgets specific theme - opportunities like widgets widgets related posts block, etc. allows your users to easily rearrange the fields and customize the theme.
Extras - Add items as indicated in the author's comments, the authors bio box for each position, the main categories and sub on the same page, and related messages without plugins, can help refine their topics.
PHP v Plugins - use PHP instead of plugins. Without having to download and install plug-ins, users will find easier to use themes.
It stays clean - Additional third-party scripts and codes that can slow down your blog. You can make a WordPress theme in a hurry, you only need to add some plugins and code to make simple changes. Use the "WP Super Cache" plugin, you can make dynamic pages static HTML pages, and to reduce the download time. You can also use the "optimized db" plug-in to optimize the database.
WordPress Hacks - From the community of bloggers, WordPress knows a little 'competition. To make the largest online community, some changes can be made and the hack. A plug-in a few easy to translate the website content management system WordPress.
Update Yourself - This is the best way to improve the developers of WordPress. Need to know what the latest developments in your industry.
Conditional statements of WordPress - it can improve the appearance of your website tremendously. Rather than simply act as a normal blog, WordPress conditional statements make your site look very attractive. All you need is a little knowledge and hacking code to get the amazing effect you want. If you know PHP, it will be easy for you to understand the related items.
Streamline -Theme development might take half the time it takes now, if you can simplify your development. To begin, download the false messages that someone has created. Better yet, create your own message of fiction that can instantly upload the file to WordPress. Once you have all the messages you need, click Box Tools / Export from the WordPress admin page and export of their messages. For future use, the burden of these messages in a new test installation of WordPress will be easier through the tools of choice sidebar / Import.
You can also create your own, under the theme, which will give you a good foundation to build your own custom wordpress themes. Known only the header, footer, navigation, sidebar, etc. so you can edit quickly and easily.
Widgets specific theme - opportunities like widgets widgets related posts block, etc. allows your users to easily rearrange the fields and customize the theme.
Extras - Add items as indicated in the author's comments, the authors bio box for each position, the main categories and sub on the same page, and related messages without plugins, can help refine their topics.
PHP v Plugins - use PHP instead of plugins. Without having to download and install plug-ins, users will find easier to use themes.
It stays clean - Additional third-party scripts and codes that can slow down your blog. You can make a WordPress theme in a hurry, you only need to add some plugins and code to make simple changes. Use the "WP Super Cache" plugin, you can make dynamic pages static HTML pages, and to reduce the download time. You can also use the "optimized db" plug-in to optimize the database.
WordPress Hacks - From the community of bloggers, WordPress knows a little 'competition. To make the largest online community, some changes can be made and the hack. A plug-in a few easy to translate the website content management system WordPress.
Update Yourself - This is the best way to improve the developers of WordPress. Need to know what the latest developments in your industry.