Health & Medical Eating & Food

Mineral Water Components

    Most Beneficial

    • Chromium helps alleviate the symptoms of diabetes by regulating the metabolism of sugar. Borondioxyde improves bone density and combats tooth decay. Calcium is great for bone and tooth development. Calcium also shows good results in coagulating the blood and improvement of hormone secretion. Sodium Chloride (salt) is a good mineral in moderation. It helps maintain the best pressure in the cellular system and aids in digestion. Doctors use cobalt, found in mineral waters, to treat anemia. Germanium conducts electricity and increases oxygen to the blood. Hydrogen carbonate balances stomach acid and digestive juices. Iodine regulates the thyroid and growth. Iron increases red blood cells that carry oxygen in the blood. Lithium, although usually only found in trace quantities, is a medical aid for depression and compulsion disorders. Magnesium improves muscle and equilibrium, builds bones and tendons. Manganese helps metabolism and blood clotting. Potassium aids balance in body fluids, fights dehydration and appears to help in the fight against cancer. Silica is a cleansing mineral used in colon cleansing products and fiber supplements. Sulphate enhances cell structure and enzymes. Zinc aids in healing injuries and regulating insulin.

    Suspicious Minerals

    • Aluminum may have a link to Alzheimer's disease. Fluoride found in mineral water is said to help with the protection of bones and teeth. However, too much fluoride can cause problems with changes in the structure of bones and discoloration of teeth.

    Potentially Harmful

    • Natural mineral waters are more likely to contain potentially harmful chemicals than manufactured waters. That is one of the bigger benefits of purchasing bottled mineral water. One of the hazardous, or potentially problematic minerals found in natural mineral water is arsenic. Arsenic may build up in the system until it reaches levels that can cause death or disease. Arsenic may promote certain forms of cancer. Carbon dioxide is another mineral water ingredient that may cause a problem. It interacts with the metabolic system. However, carbon dioxide is what gives mineral water the sparkling, clean taste it has. Copper build up leads to heart problems and other circulatory difficulties. Nitrates found in mineral water can build up and inhibit the flow of oxygen in the blood. Potassium, although counted as a benefit, has negative effects if too much builds up. Fatigue, muscle weakness and nausea are some symptoms of too much potassium.

    Levels and Occurrence

    • It is important to understand that not all naturally occurring mineral water has the same composition or all of the above minerals. The levels and ingredients depends on the location, the quality of the earth surrounding the water source, and age of the water flow. The scientific process of determining the composition of mineral water is to measure what remains once the water evaporates at high temperatures. Manufactured water is easier to control and contains only the more positive elements without danger of harmful chemicals, but even manufactured mineral water will have different levels and quantities of minerals that vary from company to company.

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