Becoming an Entrepreneur - What About All That "Red Tape?"
I remember when it all started, the burning desire to become an entrepreneur.
I remember specifically being in Economics 101 class in high school.
The subject that week was about being a business owner/entrepreneur.
I remember thinking, YES, that is what I want to be! An entrepreneur! When I told my teacher I wanted to become an entrepreneur, she warned me saying, "Don't do it!" When I asked why not, she simply said, "Because of all the red tape!" That stuck with me.
After all, I still remember it 20+ years later.
So many people are afraid of the "red tape".
What is the red tape of an entrepreneur anyway? In my experience, the red tape of business is no worse than the red tape of balancing your checkbook and/or paying your bills.
When it is stripped down to it's bare essentials, it is just taking the first step, then the step after that, and the step after that.
One of the beautiful things about being an entrepreneur is that you do not have to know all the answers.
You have a support team around you.
Your CPA helps you with all the tax laws, etc.
Your attorney helps you with all the legalities.
Your employees help you with the physical work and can help you with great ideas, etc.
You even have other entrepreneurial-type friends that mentally and emotionally support you.
Entrepreneurialism is a team sport! As for the "red tape" my teacher was referring to? I think she was talking about the steady flow of obstacles and challenges that come up time and time again.
I have to agree with her on that.
However, if you are a person that focuses on solutions rather than focusing on the challenges before you, you probably make a great candidate for becoming an entrepreneur.
Personally, I do not mind a good challenge.
Even as an employee, I would challenge myself in whatever field I was in.
That is probably why when my teacher said what she said, it turned me on to wanting to become an entrepreneur even more.
I understand that not all people want to deal with challenges.
Some people like to go in, do their jobs, and go home at the end of the day with crystal clear minds.
It is definitely a personal choice, and becoming an entrepreneur is definitely not for everyone.
Certainly that is a good thing since we need both entrepreneurs and employees.
Personally, I love being an entrepreneur! I also know there are others out there stuck in jobs that should really consider becoming entrepreneurs.
If you are one of them I just want to suggest that you do not look at "all that red tape".
Just take that first step.
Before you know it, you will become passionate about what you are creating.
That is when all that red tape does not seem so much like work.
When you break through the challenges, the satisfaction of doing so can be very self-satisfying and very rewarding.
I remember specifically being in Economics 101 class in high school.
The subject that week was about being a business owner/entrepreneur.
I remember thinking, YES, that is what I want to be! An entrepreneur! When I told my teacher I wanted to become an entrepreneur, she warned me saying, "Don't do it!" When I asked why not, she simply said, "Because of all the red tape!" That stuck with me.
After all, I still remember it 20+ years later.
So many people are afraid of the "red tape".
What is the red tape of an entrepreneur anyway? In my experience, the red tape of business is no worse than the red tape of balancing your checkbook and/or paying your bills.
When it is stripped down to it's bare essentials, it is just taking the first step, then the step after that, and the step after that.
One of the beautiful things about being an entrepreneur is that you do not have to know all the answers.
You have a support team around you.
Your CPA helps you with all the tax laws, etc.
Your attorney helps you with all the legalities.
Your employees help you with the physical work and can help you with great ideas, etc.
You even have other entrepreneurial-type friends that mentally and emotionally support you.
Entrepreneurialism is a team sport! As for the "red tape" my teacher was referring to? I think she was talking about the steady flow of obstacles and challenges that come up time and time again.
I have to agree with her on that.
However, if you are a person that focuses on solutions rather than focusing on the challenges before you, you probably make a great candidate for becoming an entrepreneur.
Personally, I do not mind a good challenge.
Even as an employee, I would challenge myself in whatever field I was in.
That is probably why when my teacher said what she said, it turned me on to wanting to become an entrepreneur even more.
I understand that not all people want to deal with challenges.
Some people like to go in, do their jobs, and go home at the end of the day with crystal clear minds.
It is definitely a personal choice, and becoming an entrepreneur is definitely not for everyone.
Certainly that is a good thing since we need both entrepreneurs and employees.
Personally, I love being an entrepreneur! I also know there are others out there stuck in jobs that should really consider becoming entrepreneurs.
If you are one of them I just want to suggest that you do not look at "all that red tape".
Just take that first step.
Before you know it, you will become passionate about what you are creating.
That is when all that red tape does not seem so much like work.
When you break through the challenges, the satisfaction of doing so can be very self-satisfying and very rewarding.