Miscarriage and Breast Pain
- During the first trimester of pregnancy hormones such as HCG and progesterone rise, causing symptoms including nausea, morning sickness and tender, swollen breasts. When a miscarriage is happening these hormones drop off, which can lead to a sudden drop in breast pain.
- According to Medline Plus breast pain can have a wide range of causes, many related to hormone fluctuations in women. Breast soreness is common during the first trimester of pregnancy and during the last trimester of pregnancy as milk comes in.
- Breast pain during a miscarriage is likely related to pregnancy hormones still circulating through your system. If the soreness is severe, talk to your doctor about a possible secondary cause of the pain.
- You should call your doctor about breast pain if you have had discharge from your breasts, if they are red or if you notice a lump. Some of these changes may be related to hormonal fluctuations due to the miscarriage.
- Breast soreness should subside within a few weeks of having a miscarriage, although some women claim that the tenderness spikes around the time of diagnosis.